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Koskarn Mountains

The Koskarn Mountains refers to a range of mountains on the Erdean continent of Owreron and is the longest range on the planet by length, spanning from the Cassimire Sea to the Norgebric Sea, and across the continental north.


The Koskarn Mountains are often divided by cartographers into two ranges: the Northern Koskarn Mountains (spanning from the Horn of Soelox to the Eastern Highlands) and the Southern Koskarn Mountains (spanning from the northern Galikshrin Forest to the Cassimire Sea. Geologists have concluded that despite the common separation, the two sides of the mountains are undoubtably connected.

Fauna & Flora


The mountains are rich in plant life, bordering the Galikshrin, Hargålthrine, and Soelox forests. Deciduous and coniferous trees alike are found up to its tree line, and foraging plants such as wildberries can be found throughout.


Spanning the far reaches of Owreron, the mountains have a diverse ecology relative to any given location. This is particularly realized in the diversity of giantkin that have been spotted through the mountains. Game animals are commonplace while giant eagles have been seen to the south and frost worms to the north.
Mountain Range
Location under


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