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Orloc Thorescu

Praetor Orloc Thorescu (a.k.a. Leech)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very tall with exceptional strength

Body Features

Deep seated eye sockets and cheeks with skin that clings tightly to bone.

Special abilities

Can manifest the spirit of his father's bloodlust as a phantom scythe. He refers to the scythe by the name "Reap"

Apparel & Accessories

Mythral plate armor covers him from head to toe that grants him bursts of speed. Around his neck is a talisman of eerie pink crystal that strengthens his bond to the Pallid Princess.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


There was once an Nosferatu named Thorgoc who dwelled in an old cliffside lighthouse, a terror to the people of Eladriff. Eladriff was a costal town on the Mourning Bay where the foul runoff of the Neekbreck Marshes met the Cassimire Sea. The ancient vampire who preyed upon this town was known for abducting women who would then never return. What people didn't know was these abductions were part of a long burning plot by Thorgoc to procure an heir. One of his victims, Eleanor Rosewater would end up giving rise to this abominable fusion of life and undeath: the Dhampir Orloc Thorescu. Thorgoc knew, even though he was immortal, that someone would one day end his reign, and he would need a host for his spirit to live on.   Thorgoc performed unspeakable acts on his victims under his charm, all so one of them would give him a son. Out of dozens, only Eleanor survived to childbirth. Even then, poor Eleanor died of excruciating pain once the child was born. Instead of his mothers milk, Thorgoc nurtured the infant Orloc off his mother's blood.  

Orloc Rising

Orloc was raised entirely by his inhuman father, in their isolated lighthouse on the Cliffs of Mourning. When they would leave the lighthouse to hunt, Orloc would see the humans and feel a connection to them, but his father punished him for his feelings. He was taught that humans are unworthy of attachment, and are merely beasts to be preyed on. He also warned him of how dangerous humans can be, but trained him to be strong enough to make them cower in fear. Under his father's influence, Orloc lost complete touch with his humanity, and while he suffered many cruelties at his father's hands, he never saw humans as more than weak prey.  

The Fall of Thorgoc

When Orloc was 11, Thorgoc's suspicions finally came true. An elven vampire hunter, named Elain Corva tracked him down to the lighthouse. In all of his years of undeath, Thorgoc had never faced an opponent like her; their duel was incredibly brief. By the time Orloc found him, his father was already slain, and the killer was gone from sight.   Orloc came upon his father's body, and suddenly all the wrath inside of him from years of abuse burst free. Since all he had been taught since he was young was to consume others to gain strength, he did the same to his father. Orloc consumed the decayed corpse, not only believing it is was what his savage father deserved, but also that Urgathoa would reward him with his father's strength.   This was all according to Thorgoc's plan. Urgathoa was pleased by Orloc's cannibalistic creed, but couldn't allow the soul of her most ancient follower to go to waste in Pharasma's Boneyard. She bound the Nosferatu's spirit to Orloc's psyche, granting him not only part of Thorgoc's power, but also forever entwining their souls. This granted him the ability to manifest his father's spirit in the form of Urgathoa's favored weapon, a Phantom Scythe. All of Orloc's father's bloodlust and greed concentrated to an ethereal form that fit so firmly in young Orloc's hands. Though he didn't know it, this malevolent spirt at his command was still his fathers, and its plan to slowly corrupt him and and possess him was now underway.  

Phantom Menace

The occult transfer of power from father to son did not go unnoticed. A bright flash of pink and green spiritual energy caught the attention of Elain Corva, who assumed her job was complete. She rushed up the lighthouse again to find young Orloc covered in black vampire blood before the bare skeleton of the Vampire she just defeated. Orloc knew this was his father's killer, and harbored his scythe from her view.     Elain: Where did you come from? Did you know this fiend?   Orloc: Yes, but to your credit, I will suffer him no more. I was his son but now I am free.   His response shocked Elaine. Clearly this child was troubled, but his calmed response and the scene where she found him implied something sinister. Nonetheless under the scrutiny of magic, the child was not undead, but in fact living. Determining the fate of this child was far beyond the scope of her mission, but she couldn't just leave him there.   Elain: Come with me, I will take you somewhere safe.   Orloc: Why, so the humans can throw me in a cell and treat me like a monster?   Elain: There is an orphanage where you won't be judged, no matter who your father was. They will set you right.
  • Elain takes Orloc to a Pharasmin orphanage in Ardenrise...
  • Orloc comes of age at the orphanage, is put to work as a cook...
  • One day his father's corruption takes him over, and when he regains control, all of the caretakers and children are dead and partially consumed...

Alone in the Marshes

  • Orloc runs/is chased out from Ardenrise...
  • Learns to survive alone in the swamp...
  • Must feed once a week on a living human, usually from small settlements...

Monster for Hire

  • Begins work as an assassin...
  • Gains attention of the evil cabal...
  • Joins party...


Most of what Orloc knows (which is not much) was taught to him by his father. Small bits of arcane knowledge, religious study, and spellcraft were passed down, but he's far from an expert.

Mental Trauma

Too much to talk about, including but not limited to:
  • Constant abuse and beratement from his undead father

Morality & Philosophy

Orloc believe intelligent undead, including vampires (and himself, even though he isn't technically undead) are superior to the living. Undeath grants strength, and the longevity to actually influence history of the world.

Evil half-vampire mercenary, carrying on his slain father's legacy of terror.

Character Location
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Neutral Evil
Unnatural green
White mohawk, coated in dried blood
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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