Ashmadai Cult

The Ashmadai Cult is a small but persistent cult that worships Asmodeus, the de facto ruler of the Nine Hells, and Duke of Nessus, the Ninth Hell.

Public Agenda

The Ashmadai are particularly interested in bringing an avatar of Asmodeus to the Material Plane. It is their belief that doing so will give him special power that will let him extend his power throughout the Multiverse, until he can become the Supreme Being.   Though they are necessarily a secretive organization, they are known to have attempted, on more than one occasion to bring either Asmodeus' offspring to maturity on the Material Plane, or via magical means, to bring other creatures with infernal background to maturity, also on the Material Plane. In either case, their goal remains the same - to give Asmodeus a physical vessel to possess, from which he can rule the Material Plane, then extend his influence throughout the rest of the Multiverse. Thus far, the Ashmadai have been unsuccessful, but they continue in their pursuits.

Material Omnipotence Breeds Full Omnipotence

Religious, Cult

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