First Deputy Constable Vvasarge, of the Pes District Vvasarge

First Deputy Constable of the Pes District Vvasarge

Vvasarge was a lifelong civil servant, who had served faithfully in the Pes City Watch. He worked his way up from the lower ranks of the watch until achieving the rank of First Deputy Constable, which was high indeed, for someone not born into the Bvithu Caste.   Vvasarge was well-known for having taken part in the raid that drove out the Ashmadai Cult. In fact, he was instrumental during that action, in rescuing the tiefling known as Azazel Beni-Asmodai, more commonly known as "Cipher," who later rose to become Aumarr Special Investigator Azazel, a decorated hero of the Lightning Ship Assault, having helped defend the Vvathan Coliseum in the Pes District. Regrettably, Vvasarge was killed in that same action.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vvasarge was a member of the middle class from birth. Hailing from the Pes District, he joined the Constabulary in his youth. He served for a long time as a street watchman, but eventually rose to leadership. In 8064 AF by the Elvish Calendar, he took part in the raid on the Ashmadai Cult, driving them from the city. He took a young tiefling named Azazel under his wing in the wake of that raid, helping to sponsor him within the Pes Watch.   In 8070, Vvasarge was promoted to the highest rank a non-Bvithu member of society could achieve in the Pes Watch, that of First Deputy Constable of the Pes District. With his newfound prestige, he was able to secure for his friend Azazel (known to him as "Cipher," or even "Cy"), as Aumarr Special Investigator, detached the the Temple of the Broken, allowing his friend to both be a member of the monastery and an Aumarr in the watch.   In 8076, during the Lightning Ship Assault, Vvasarge was struck down defending the Vvathan Coliseum in the Pes District.
8043 AF 8076 AF 33 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed during the Lightning Ship Assault, upon the height of the Coliseum walls.


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