Mitropolíti of the Estinople Synod of the Estinos Orthodox Church of Alcor

Term of Office (Alcorite Calendar) Name Notes
348 - 361 María Isótita Founder of the Synod of Estinople, Personal Priestess to Estinos IV Magnus
361 - 363 Eleseveth I Named for Eleseveth, one of al-Qor's disciples.
363 - 367 Giosarisémos I Name means "Son of Erishem." Erishem was one of al-Qor's disciples
367 - 386 Isóstitos I
386 - 399 Xudicéa I Name is an Itarosinization of Khudizz, one of al-Qor's disciples
399 - 417 Pius
417 - 427 Evlogiménos I
427 - 453 Giosarisémos II
453 - 480 Pistós
480 - 507 Yperétis
507 - 518 Giosarisémos III
518 - 531 Gaius Iulius
531 - 553 Isóstitos II
553 - 577 Alcophílos I
577 - 597 Maríos Yperéstis
597 - 601 Estinos Pius
601 - 617 Pistós Lógos
617 - 646 Alcophílos II Ordered the construction of the Grand Temple of Alcor in Estinople
646 - 658 Emilinia II Oversaw the completion of the Grand Temple of Alcor in Estinople
658 - 666 Eleseveth II
666 - 690 Xudicéa Eleseveth
690 - 700 Nadía Esóstita
700 - 723 Dimetría Eleseveth
723 - 726 Emilinia III
726 - 749 Evlogiménos II
749 - 760 Emilinia IV Briefly embraced the Centrists. Immediately recanted and announced her abdication


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