
Kukji (a.k.a. Moonbeam)

Moonbeam is the leader of the Fence, the land-based arm of the Sirens. She is believed to be human or half-elven, though this is only rumor. Few have ever actually seen her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Despite rumors to the contrary (planted by her, to disinform), Moonbeam was born Kukji, a daughter of Oun Uyou plains elves. Shortly after she gained her Secondname, her irreverent and selfish nature led her to be expelled from her troop. She made her way to Vvathaf, where she learned to make her way in various nefarious activities. Recently, she joined the Fence and rose to become their leader.


Moonbeam is comfortable with sexual partners of nearly any humanoid race and of any gender identity. She couples only for pleasure and does not form emotional attachments. She also takes measures to prevent impregnation, as she has no interest whatsoever in procreation.
Current Location
Year of Birth
7827 AF 262 Years old
Known Languages
Kleigyi, Itarosan, Ruzhtæg

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