Order of the Shifting Shadow

The Order of the Shifting Shadows is a monastic order that focuses on stealth and the skills required of the stealthy. The services of their initiates are sought after by all sorts - monarchs, military leaders, religious leaders, scholars, archeologists, merchants, nobles, and so on. Anywhere that work must be done in the shadows, their skills are for hire.


The Shadowmaster

The Order is under the absolute authority of the Shadowmaster. When a shadowmaster is growing old, they select an heir to carry on when they die. When no heir has been designated, the Masters of Stealth, Discovery, Combat, and Mechanics select one from among their number via ritual combat to carry on the leadership of the organization.  

The Four Masters

There are four masters of the order who serve the Shadowmaster directly. They are in charge of all training and activities within their named sphere of influence. Since most initiates engage in activities within the spheres of all the masters, each master effectively has oversight over every lower member of the Order.   The Master of Stealth This master is responsible for all matters of stealth, including sneaking, hiding, disguise, deception, etc.    The Master of Combat This master is responsible for both armed and unarmed combat.   The Master of Mechanics This master is responsible for training in the placing of snares, removal of snares, disarming of traps, picking of locks, and other related tasks.   The Master of Discovery This master is responsible for training in investigation, pursuasion, observation, tracking, languages, and, when appropriate, magical instruction.  

The Dark Shadows

Those few initiates who truly master the arts of the shadow are known as Dark Shadows. They are sent on the most sensitive and difficult missions. They also assist the Four Masters in the training of the members of the Order.  

The Shade

Once an initiate has proven that they are capable, they are part of the Shade. These are the junior leaders of the Order, often serving as mission commanders when multiple members must be deployed. Often they are also tasked with oversight of more mundane matters within their monasteries, such as overseeing the kitchens and staff, procurement of supplies, and so on.  


Those who have been accepted as full members of the Order, but hold no leadership positions, are known simply as Initiates. They are the most numerous group within the Order and it is they who undertake the majority of the Order's missions.  

The Accepted

The Accepted are those who have completed the basic instruction at a monastery and show sufficient promise to be considered for full membership in the Order. They are often sent on independent missions to prove themselves. These missions can take any number of forms, from spying to other simple tasks.

Silent and Unseen

Founding Date
281 A. Y.
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The Dark Ones
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

Articles under Order of the Shifting Shadow


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