

Orriss is the undeniable and unchallenged leader of the Malleable. They are vicious, cunning and ruthless.   Where knowledge of the Malleable is largely scant, Orriss' name is known among the powerful of the wider world, where it is spoken in hushed and fearful tones by those in places of power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orriss rose to the leadership of the Malleable around 3 decades ago, after two decades in the cells. They are unusually gifted among their kind in both wisdom and intelligence, which has served them extremely well. He led the Malleable on behalf of the Illithids in the campaign that saw the civil government there collapse.

Currently, he is based in Dovenwal, overseeing operations across the Doveniepr River in the Orkenmark. Their specific orders are to foment dissent among the orcs through the manipulation of Yrchiritazh. He ordered the Shape of Wax to undertake an odd side project on behalf of the illithids, in which the artifact known as Derving Desxaiseren was to be stolen and sent to a contact in Ulmchoth in Sundak.

Morality & Philosophy

Orriss' believes that each and every creature of the world should and must look to care for itself, at the expense of other creatures. Life is a hierarchy, but it is up to the individual to determine where they fall within that hierarchy.    Loyalty to one's superiors and one's organization are inviolate. Betrayal of one's own makes one no better than an animal.   Lack of membership to an organization is immoral.   The rules and mores of organizations and societies to which one does not belong are irrelevant and to be ignored, but those of one's own organization must be followed at all costs.

Personality Characteristics


Orriss seeks only to advance themselves and the Malleable. When it is necessary to do so at the expense of others, that is nothing to be mourned.

Leader of Malleable

Lawful Evil
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
8016 AF 73 Years old


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