
(a.k.a. Forger and Father of All)

Long ago, Alzhonar was empty of intelligent creatures, and it was naught but hard stone. One day, a volcano erupted amid the stone. With a tremendous explosion, the fire mountain exploded and a strong, bearded creature emerged from the fireball. Though the crown of his head was hairless, his beard was long, lustrous, and red like the lava pouring forth from the mountain all around him. In his right hand he bore a great hammer, and in his left he bore tongs of adamant. He struck the mountain with his hammer, and it became his anvil. The fire of the volcano, he captured and set it in a hearth, which became his forge. He reached into the fire and drew forth metallic stone. Striking the stone, he shaped a people.   When he saw that the people whom he had made understood the forging of copper and of tin together, he appeared to them, saying, "I am Pron-akh-Torzekkan, your maker. I am pleased with you and I give you, as a people, the name Devaris. You are my people, and I am your God." And in this way, the dwarves were born as the creation of the first and greatest of their gods.   Later, Pron-akh-Torzekkan came again to his people and taught them about the places under the earth where they could find gold and silver and iron. And he taught them to place the iron in coal to make steel. He taught them the cunning ways of stonecraft and architecture. He taught them how ti chip at rocks to reveal the gemstones in side, and then to chip the gemstones to make them into pleasing shapes, according to their kinds.  
  • Khantur-kil-Ghrinzhekk's adaptation of The Coming of the Devaris into prose in the Itarosan (Common) language.
  • Divine Domains

    Pron-akh-Torzekkan can be a patron to clerics of the following domains:
    • Forge
    • Knowledge
    • Life
    • Order
    • Unity
    He is opposed to these domains:
    • Arcana
    • Death
    • Grave
    • Tempest
    • Trickery
    • Ambition
    • Blood

    Tenets of Faith

    • Creating useful or beautiful items from metals, stones, or gems mirrors Pron-akh-Torzekkan's creation of the Devaris (dwarves).
    • Life is a gift of Pron-akh-Torzekkan. It is sacred and to be preserved. One should kill in defense or in the protection of the stronghold or of others only.
    • Undead creatures are an affront to Pron-akh-Torzekkan.
    • Discipline, study, and adherence to a code are necessary for finding the favor of Pron-akh-Torzekkan.
    • The preservation and study of the history of the Devaris is holy work. Also holy is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, especially of the natural world.
    • Arcane magic is not evil, but it is unworthy of those devoted to Pron-akh-Torzekkan. Divine magic, as it springs from the Forger and Father of All, is blessed. 


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