The Goddess and Corellon Larethion

Long ago, before our brethren, the People Who Are No People* sundered themselves from us, the Goddess was. None knows from whence she came, or when. It is likely tht she always has been.   Sometimes in the time before time she walked along the glades and valleys of Alzhonar, for she found them fair. She drank from Azhonar’s crystal waters. She breathed the clean air and slept beneath the blanket of night. After a time, she said, "I wish someone with whom to share my joy in the goodness that is Alzhonar, and, indeed, in all the Multiverse. I shall make a companion for myself, and they shall delight in those things in which I delight. So she raised up from the soil a creature of great beauty, and she named them Corellon Larethion, the meaning of which is now lost, for who can say what words meant so long ago? When she saw the creature that she had made, she loved them, and she taught them how to craft things from the bounty of Alzhonar, both using their hands and using the essence of the Multiverse (which would later be called magic) from which to craft those things. Later, Corellon would teach those crafts to the children of their blood.   For ages beyond ages, Corellon and the Goddess frolicked, maker and made, throughout the Multiverse, but especially upon Alzhonar, for the Goddess delighted in it, and Corellon was made to delight in that in which she delighted. Eventually, dark tidings made their way to into the Goddess' perception. Dark things, other gods, demons, devils, aberrations from beyond the veil, all were arising throughout the Multiverse. She departed Corellon to tend to these incursions, and Corellon was left, for the first time, alone. As the Goddess had before them, they became lonely, so they created their own companions, whom they called Seldarine. For the first time, they took on gender, though only as a temporary mantle, to occasionally delight in the erotic pleasures, and to procreate, for such a drive fell upon them. All the multitude of the Seldarine save Corellon came to be in this way.   After a time, Corellon was wandering the outer planes and came upon a dangerous and aggressive creature calling himself Gruumsh. At first, Corellon sought to befriend the creature, but to no avail. Later, as the beastlike marauder began to raid upon Alzhonar, as well as other diverse planes, Corellon set themselves, along with the other Seldarine, against Gruumsh. After ages upon ages, conflict became open, and a personal duel broke out between Corellon and Gruumsh. Corellon struck one eye from Gruumsh's skull, but was wounded gravely in return. Wherever, Corellon's blood spilled upon the ground, Eladrin arose, similar in form to Corellon and the Seldarine, but mortal. They drove off Gruumsh and his marauders and nursed their creator - Corellon - back to health.   It was at this time that the Goddess returned. She was overcome with sorrow at the carnage wrought by Gruumsh. She was overcome with sorrow at the fact that her beloved Corellon Larethion had been forced to engage in violence. And she was overcome with sorrow at the grave wounds her companion had suffered in her absence. She bore Corellon to the outer planes, to the realm of Arborea and established the Seldarine Court there under the rule of Corellon. She then found the Eladrin, whom Corellon's blood had brought into being. She began to instruct them in her ways and taught them much. She carried them, at first, to the Feywild, though later, she suffered many to leave that realm and settle where they would, and she was gratified when many chose her beloved Alzhonar.   In this way, the Goddess brought about the creation of Corellon Larethion, who, in turn brought about the creation of the Seldarine and the Eladrin, some of whom would become the elves.


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