
Yrchiritazh is an orcish-nationalist movement centered in Bvuzhin. They seek to depose the Grossãmargraph and declare the Orkenmark independent of the Oeveringian Empire. Their rhetoric and belief system is fueled by racist tropes that portray non-orcs as weak and inferior, and on a warped understanding of history, in which they claim Joren II ("the Subjugator") used magic to coerce Yurãg ("the Great Traitor") into assassinating Ghrog (which is false; Ghrog was slain in battle) to usurp the Twelve Tribes.

Yrchiritazh first arose in 8004. Outside of a few acts of murder and torture of non-orcs, they have mostly kept to themselves and been more about bluster than action. In the last decade, however, fueled by discontent with taxation from Erjal, many young orcs in Bvuzhin, and to a lesser extent Wrughash, have begun speaking more openly about the need to depose Jurãg Brighteyes and declare independence from the Empire.


They are organized into chapters of around 30 members. There are four chapters in Wrugash and nine in Bvuzhin. A single chapter exists in Erjal, which is well-led and para-military in nature.

Public Agenda

Deposition of the Groosãmargraph and independence from the Empire.

Our Heritage, Our Honor, Our Liberty

Founding Date
Illicit, Rebel
Related Species


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