Altho Goldfound

Altho Goldfound is a stout and well-groomed halfling with a dignified presence. Despite his small stature, he carries himself with authority and confidence. His attire reflects both his status as a ruler and the practicality favored by halflings in positions of leadership. Altho's eyes convey a shrewd intelligence, and his graying hair suggests the weight of experience.  


The ruler faces challenges in navigating the intricate web of Mezrillia's political landscape, especially during a time of transition. Balancing the interests of competing factions, addressing the needs of various districts, and leaving a positive legacy are among the hurdles Altho must navigate.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Altho Goldfound's rise to power likely involved a combination of political acumen, a successful career, and possibly ties to influential factions in Mezrillia.   Current Situation:
On his deathbed, Altho faces the challenge of ensuring a smooth transition of power in Mezrillia. With claimants competing for influence, his final actions and decisions may shape the future of the city and determine whether his legacy endures or transforms in the hands of a new leader.

Intellectual Characteristics


Diplomatic and Shrewd:
Altho is known for his diplomatic skills, navigating the complex web of political relationships within Mezrillia. He possesses a keen understanding of trade, diplomacy, and the various factions vying for influence in the city.   Strategic Thinker:
As a ruler, Altho is a strategic thinker, always considering the long-term implications of his decisions. He values stability and the prosperity of Mezrillia, often making decisions that balance the interests of different districts and factions.   Respected Leader:
Altho has earned the respect of the city's residents through fair governance and a commitment to the well-being of the populace. His leadership style involves a careful blend of authority and empathy.   Cunning Politician:
In the world of political intrigue, Altho is a cunning politician. He understands the importance of alliances and has a knack for turning potential adversaries into valuable allies through negotiation and compromise.

Personality Characteristics


Altho's motivations include the prosperity and stability of Mezrillia. His decisions are driven by a desire to maintain a delicate balance between the diverse districts, foster economic growth, and ensure the safety and well-being of the city's residents.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Prosperity is the foundation of unity. In Mezrillia, we thrive together or falter alone."
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Nobles Header by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Altho Goldfound by Appy Pie Design