Barnum Porridgepot

Barnum Porridgepot

Barnum Porridgepot, the seasoned stonemason and grandfather of Ulblyn Porridgepot, possesses a sturdy and weathered appearance, reflective of a life spent working with stone and contributing to the construction of Mezrillia's structures.   Barnum's demeanor is characterized by stoicism and a quiet, reflective nature. His expressions convey a sense of satisfaction in the work he has accomplished and a deep love for Mezrillia.   Barnum Porridgepot's physical appearance tells a story of hard work, dedication, and a deep connection to the city. His grizzled features and sturdy build are a testament to the resilience that runs through the Porridgepot family, contributing to Mezrillia's enduring strength.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Masterwork Stonemason's Tools:
A well-crafted set of tools that served Barnum throughout his career.   Dwarven Masonry Hammer:
A treasured gift from a Dwarven colleague, symbolizing the strong ties between Halflings and Dwarves in Mezrillia.   Comfortable Work Clothes:
Sturdy and well-worn clothing suited for the demands of stonemasonry.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Barnum Porridgepot was born into a family of Halfling farmers but discovered his passion for stonemasonry at a young age. He honed his skills through apprenticeship and, over the years, became a respected artisan in Mezrillia. Barnum's craftsmanship played a crucial role in the construction of the city's walls, contributing to its enduring strength.   Upon his retirement, Barnum passed on his knowledge to younger generations, including his grandson Ulblyn. He now spends his days enjoying the fruits of his labor, tending to a small garden in Fisher's Wood and sharing stories of Mezrillia's growth with his family.

Intellectual Characteristics

Barnum is a stoic and reflective individual with a deep appreciation for hard work and craftsmanship. He finds solace in the simple joys of life, and his love for Mezrillia is evident in the stories he tells. Though reserved, Barnum is known for his dry sense of humor and the occasional twinkle in his eye when reminiscing about his days as a stonemason.

Morality & Philosophy

Barnum's philosophy centers around the idea that a city's strength lies in its foundations. He believes in the importance of contributing to the community and leaving a lasting legacy for future generations. Barnum sees the city as a living testament to the collaboration between Halflings and Dwarves, a union that has shaped Mezrillia into a resilient and harmonious place.

Personality Characteristics


In his retirement, Barnum's primary motivation is to see the Porridgepot family flourish and Mezrillia continue to prosper. He takes pride in the accomplishments of his descendants, particularly Ulblyn's role as the city's sheriff. Barnum remains connected to the city's development, offering guidance based on his experiences as a stonemason and a witness to Mezrillia's growth.
Current Location

Cover image: Character Header by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Barnum Porridgepot by Appy Pie Design