Ebon Manor

Ebon Manor stands as a grand yet eerie structure nestled within the affluent Joantain's Bridge District. Once a symbol of opulence and aristocracy, it now looms as a shadowy relic, veiled in whispers and the weight of a haunting history. The manor, surrounded by wrought-iron gates adorned with creeping vines, exudes an aura of desolation that sends shivers down the spines of those who pass by.   Ebon Manor now awaits brave adventurers who dare to step into its shadows. The mysterious letter beckoning them to explore its depths sets the stage for a journey that will unravel the mansion's haunted history and determine its fate—whether to remain a haven of shadows or find redemption in the light.

Contents & Furnishings

The Whispering Gardens:
Surrounding the manor are once-majestic gardens now twisted into an eerie semblance of their former beauty. Ghostly whispers can be heard among the overgrown foliage, carrying fragments of conversations from a time long gone.   The Grand Foyer:
The entrance foyer, adorned with a once-magnificent chandelier, now casts long, eerie shadows. The air here is heavy with the weight of sorrow, and faded portraits of the Ebon family line the walls, their eyes seemingly following visitors.   Haunted Chambers:
The bedrooms, once opulent, are now haunted chambers where the restless spirits of the Ebon family manifest. Personal effects and memories have become spectral echoes, offering glimpses into the lives they once led.   Malevolent Nexus:
At the heart of Ebon Manor lies a malevolent nexus, a room steeped in darkness where the curse's source resides. This is the epicenter of the haunting, and confronting the malevolent force here is key to lifting the curse.   Secret Passages:
Ebon Manor is riddled with secret passages and hidden chambers, leading to forgotten corners and revealing the twisted secrets that led to the family's downfall.


The exterior of Ebon Manor retains traces of its former elegance, with ivy-covered stone walls and gothic architecture. However, the passage of time and the malevolent force within have left their marks, rendering the mansion dilapidated.


Built centuries ago by the prestigious Ebon family, the manor was a testament to their wealth and influence in Havenport. The Ebon family, known for their magical prowess, fell victim to a dark curse that tarnished their name and turned their luxurious home into a place of dread.   Generations ago, a family member made a pact with a malevolent entity seeking power. As the pact soured, the entity unleashed a curse that trapped the souls of the Ebon family within the manor's walls, perpetuating their agony. The once-glamorous halls became corridors of despair, echoing with the anguished cries of the past.
Mansion / Villa

Cover image: Mansion Header by Appy Pie Design