
Edvost is built around a large fortress, known for its medicinal plants and its mines and industry.  The races live together mostly in harmony.


Human (91%), Half-Elf (1%), Dwarf (1%), Half-Orc (1%), Dragonborn (1%), Catfolk (1%), Elf (1%), Halfling (1%), Gnome (1%), Tiefling (1%)


An iron-willed ruler (Aldous Cumberbatch, Male Human) demands respect from the populace.


The village is surrounded by no walls. 3 trained warriors serve in the village's defense, and a militia of 52 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Jane Wellington, Female Human.


Tavern: The Wandering Respite
Owner: Adelaide Bradly, Female Human
Location: In a small alley. The street outside is next to a grand hall.
Description: The tavern is a wooden single storey building, with a red tile roof and roughly hewn wooden furniture. It contains a beautiful oak countertop and a large harp by the hearth.
Chicken Burger with Oat Bread and a Tankard of Cider (5 sp)
Octopus Soup and a Tankard of Beer (4 sp)
Bear Steamed Bun (3 sp)     Blacksmith: Bernard's Steelworks
Owner: Bernard Shelley, Male Human
Location: In a market quarter. The street outside is shaded by colorful trees. Smells like smoke.
Description: The blacksmith is a stone-walled rowhouse, with several shuttered windows and dead hedges. It contains several paintings on the wall and a forge in the shape of a dragon's mouth.
Ammunition, +1 (dmg 150) (24 gp)
Chain Mail (phb 145) (75 gp)
Scale Mail (phb 145) (45 gp)     Alchemist: The Gorgon's Elixers
Owner: Alexandre Davenport, Male Human
Location: In a market quarter. The street outside has a pickpocket looking for marks and is adjacent to a small store. It's unusually noisy.
Description: The alchemist is a wooden tower, with a black shingled roof and a small vegetable garden. A number of hunting trophies line the walls. It contains a taxidermied bear near the entrance and a large troll skull on a desk.
Potion of Climbing (dmg 187) (48 gp)
Potion of Climbing (dmg 187) (48 gp)
Potion of Climbing (dmg 187) (48 gp)     Jeweler: The Emerald Bijoux
Owner: Agatha Weston, Female Human
Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is lined with a low stone wall and has a weird smell.
Description: The jeweler is a timber and brick rowhouse, with a heather-thatched roof and dead hedges. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains a large candelabra and glass display cabinets with jewelry.
Used Jeweler's Tools (phb 154) (24 gp)
Exquisite Ring (3 gp)
Exquisite Ring (3 gp)     General Store: The Father's Stream
Owner: Bertram Tinley, Male Human
Location: In a market quarter. The street outside is next to a grand hall and is unusually full of carriages.
Description: The general store is a timber and brick two-storey building, with a brown shingled roof and a koi pond. It contains a taxidermied bear near the entrance and a full suit of armor holding some specialty items.
Shovel (phb 150) (2 gp)
Chest (phb 153) (5 gp)
Pot, Iron (phb 153) (2 gp)     Church: Crown Wonders
Owner: Barakas Malevolence, Male Tiefling
Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is shaded by colorful trees.
Description: The church is a wooden tower, with a brown tile roof and shuttered windows. It contains a deck with chairs and carved statues.


4,730 gp. Max value for sale: 156 gp. Max pawn value: 828 gp

Guilds and Factions

The Sons of the Royal Lotus, Society of Uptown Helm, The Court of Flying Alliance
Edvost by Watabou
Possible Citizens/NPCs:
Randal Gyula, Male Human
Matilda Kinsley, Female Human
Ermina Barton, Female Human
Susannah Cornish, Female Human
Ida Richie, Female Human
Norman Mitchell, Male Human
Geva Van Es, Female Human
Sarah Huxley, Female Human
Rosamund Ryland, Female Human