
Short lived and adaptive, Goblins are a common sight all across the lands of Strathnora. Known for their love of disgusting foods and collecting of shiny trinkets, there are three main cultures of Goblins; Tribal, City and Fey. Each have complicated views on the others, but all accept the others as Goblins regardless.

Basic Information


Short with large heads and flat noses.

Biological Traits

Goblins live incredibly short lives, reaching old age by ten years, they seldom grow above three feet in height, and only weigh about thirty kgs. Due to their adaptive natures, Goblins can have a number of extra features, from over developed jaws, to squishy bodies, to even tails depending on their ancestry and environment.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblins reproduce exceptionally fast, often being born in litters of three to four. WHen a single Goblin is born, it is often seen as a bad omen, and cast out of its tribe or community.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins grow very quickly, reaching full maturity by the age of three, and old age by ten.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins can and do survive just about anywhere. From frozen Tundra to the streets of cities, Goblins can be found in some capacity, be it in positions of authority or as common thugs or raiders.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins can and will eat anything, usually things seen as disgusting by other species, such as offal, rancid foods, and even trash. Two of their most famous culinary creations are Boot Stew, made by boiling old shoes for at least a month, and Knicker Beer, in which dirty underclothes are fermeted into a foul tasting alcohol.


Due to the adaptive nature of Goblins, they have a variety of ways in which they react to each other.    City Goblins are seen as having lost their true heritage by Tribal Goblins, while Tribal Goblins are considered to be the embarassing cousins by City Goblins.   All Goblins have a habit of collecting random items that they think are interesting, often marking them as their own by biting them to leave teeth marks.

Additional Information

Social Structure

All Goblins abide by a simple social structure: The strong rule the weak. If someone is seen as stronger than a Goblin, they will automatically defer to them, though many Goblins are also arrogant enough that they do not see many others as stronger than them.

Facial characteristics

Flat noses and fangs, with large pointed ears and beady eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goblins can and are found all across the lands of Strathnora.

Average Intelligence

Goblin intelligence can range greatly, from little more than that of a child, to ingenious inventors and magic casters.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblins can see well in darkness and dimlight.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goblin names are often dedpendent on the culture in which they were born. City Goblins tend to have more Human names, while Tribal Goblins will have more gutteral sounding names.

Beauty Ideals

Goblins have a strange sense of beauty, rejecting the concept of personal beauty in favour of personal wealth. The more shiny items a Goblin has in its collection, the more attractive they are seen to be.

Courtship Ideals

To give a Goblin a shiny object is seen as a marriage proposal, though most will not accept unless the giver is another Goblin.

Relationship Ideals

Wealth determines a Goblin's standing in any community, so it is not uncommon to see the most wealthy members of a tribe or group, regardless of whether they are male or female, having multiple partners.

Average Technological Level

Due to the varied nature of their culture, Goblin technology can range from the most basic of tribal level to works of chaotic engineering marvels.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Goblin

Common Dress Code

Tribal Goblins will wear anything they can get their hands on, from half-cured hides to pillaged clothes, not particularly caring about how they look.   City Goblins often wear thrifted clothes, mixing and matching styles and dedsigns with eclectic taste.   Fey Goblins wear eloquent clothes crafted for them by the other fey.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Tribal Goblins are Tribal in nature, living in small villages and communities that usually have a raiding culture.   City Goblins will often adopt the primary culture of the city in which they were born/live.   Fey Goblins are like the Fey, chaotic and hard to understand.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

All Goblins love disgusting foods, often eating what others would reject due to foul taste or rot.   All Goblins observe the tradition of Moon Calling, a ritual performed on each New Moon to call it back into existence.

Common Myths and Legends

The moon does not simply have phases, instead it rots away each month and only regrows thanks to the prayers of Goblins.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goblins commonly view other species as oppressors or targets.
Goblin "Chef" testing if a cucumber is "ripe" enough yet.
Goblin Adventurer/Thief
7 years
Average Height
3 ft
Average Weight
30 kgs
Average Physique
Small and wiry, with large heads that often seem to big for their small bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Goblins can come in a variety of colourings, from pale greens to dark blues, some even being yellow or red depending on their environment.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities