
The coastal town of Hamptail, nestled a month's travel south from Havenport, the capital city of The Terris Region on the continent of Eagos, possesses a distinctive character shaped by its unique attributes. Renowned for its trade in Sapient Pearwood, Hamptail has become a focal point for commerce and craftsmanship in the region.   Sapient Pearwood, prized for its magical properties and versatile applications, serves as the economic backbone of Hamptail. Merchants and craftsmen from far and wide are drawn to the town, seeking the valuable material for various enchantments and creations. The marketplace bustles with activity as traders negotiate deals, and the aroma of freshly carved Pearwood permeates the air.   However, Hamptail is not merely a haven for commerce; it is also known for its uncouth populace. The residents of the town are known for their brash and outspoken nature, unapologetically expressing their opinions and challenging the status quo. This unique blend of outspokenness and trading prowess has given Hamptail a distinct reputation among the towns and cities of Eagos.   Guilds play a crucial role in shaping the power dynamics of Hamptail. The town is home to several powerful guilds, each vying for influence and control over various aspects of Hamptail's economy and politics. These guilds, with their secretive dealings and intricate networks, add an extra layer of complexity to the town's social fabric.   Despite its rough exterior, Hamptail is a place of opportunity and intrigue, attracting adventurers, merchants, and those seeking to make a name for themselves in the competitive world of Sapient Pearwood trade. The coastal town stands as a testament to the diversity and complexity of life in the Terris Region, offering both challenges and rewards to those who dare to navigate its intricate web of politics and commerce.


Half-Orc (33%), Half-Elf (23%), Dragonborn (13%), Tiefling (13%), Dwarf (11%), Elf (3%), Human (1%), Halfling (1%), Gnome (1%), Tabaxi (1%)


The town is ruled by a priest of the local religion (Patrick Berevan, Male Half-Elf).


The town has no walls. 6 trained warriors serve in the town's defense, and a militia of 113 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Whurdred Dankil, Female Dwarf.


Tavern: The Mighty Inn
Owner: Mella Floshem, Female Half-Elf
Location: In a temple district. The street outside is shaded by large trees and is recently paved with worn brick. Guards are arresting a patron.
Description: The tavern is a wooden and sprawling single storey building, with a red tile roof and a large cellar. It contains a large candelabra and a fire pit cooking food in the middle of the tavern.   Specials:
Eggs and Ham Pie and a Tankard of Ale (4 sp)
Duck Pie with Peas and a Mug of Perry (5 sp)
Dire Pig Pie with Cake and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp)     Blacksmith: Firehilt Mallet
Owner: Balifra Trollbleeder, Female Dwarf
Location: In an adventurer's district. The street outside has a town crier with the latest news and gossip.
Description: The blacksmith is a stone-walled and large single storey building, with a gray shingled roof and a row of flowers around the building. It contains well-stocked workshop and everything is covered in dust and metal shrapnel.   Specials:
Ammuntion, +2 (dmg 150) (93 gp)
Shield (phb 145) (10 gp)
Ammunition, +1 (dmg 150) (23 gp)     Alchemist: The Lover's Trouble
Owner: Uadjit Nemmonis, Female Dragonborn
Location: In a civic quarter. The street outside is recently paved with worn brick. A fire breaks out.
Description: The alchemist is a wooden and large single storey building, with a brown shingled roof and dead hedges. It contains a beautiful oak countertop and a preserved salamander hanging from the ceiling.   Specials:
Potion of Animal Friendship (dmg 187) (196 gp)
Potion of Gaseous Form (dmg 187) (300 gp)
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (48 gp)     Jeweler: The Unicorn's Decoration
Owner: Verin Nowhere, Female Tiefling
Location: In a civic quarter. The street outside has drunken revelers. A monster (kobold or aberration) emerges from the sewer.
Description: The jeweler is a timber and brick simple building, with a gray tile roof and vines covering the walls and roof. It contains a small wood oven and a table with scattered lenses, clamps, and cutters.   Specials:
Exquisite Ring (3 gp)
Exquisite Earrings (4 gp)
Exquisite Ring (3 gp)     Enchanter: The Sky's Secrets
Owner: Jezebeth Bitter, Female Tiefling
Location: In a small alley. The street outside is lined with a low stone wall. A funeral procession goes by.
Description: The enchanter is a stucco single storey building, with a gray tile roof and softly blowing chimes by the door. A number of hunting trophies line the walls. It contains a crossbow sitting on the counter and a horned skull with a crystal ball embedded on it.   Specials:
Dust of Dryness (dmg 166) (116 gp)
Dust of Disappearance (dmg 166) (293 gp)
Dust of Dryness (dmg 166) (119 gp)     General Store: Finellen's
Owner: Finellen Daerdahk, Female Dwarf
Location: In a market district. The street outside is adjacent to a large home.
Description: The general store is a plaster and sprawling single storey building, with a red tile roof and overgrown hedges. It contains an empty cage and a stand full of colorful hats sits next to the entrance.   Specials:
Hammer (phb 150) (1 gp)
Mason's Tools (phb 154) (10 gp)
Shovel (phb 150) (2 gp)     Church: House of the Wonders
Owner: Criella Caution, Female Tiefling
Location: In a temple ward. The street outside ominously quiet and empty and is adjacent to a small office. Runs a fight club.
Description: The church is a timber framed rowhouse, with a tanned wooden roof and vines covering the walls and roof. It contains an empty cage and expertly crafted columns.


Wealth: 152,550 gp. Max value for sale: 336 gp. Max pawn value: 1,780 gp

Guilds and Factions

Trade guilds, The Sons of the Corvin's Academy, Gilded Justiciars
Hamptail by Watabou
Possible NPCs:
Tordrid Stoutale, Female Dwarf
Justin Liadon, Male Half-Elf
Keyleth Berevan, Female Half-Elf
Hirrathak Wystongjiir, Male Dragonborn
Ûkrom Yeardley, Male Half-Orc
Nala Qyxpahrgh, Female Dragonborn
Vola Deighton, Female Half-Orc
Engong Middleton, Female Half-Orc
Arha Springfield, Female Half-Orc
Finellen Lutgehr, Female Dwarf
Gillyd Brazzik, Female Dwarf
Naeris Iathrana, Male Elf