Magdalene Freese

Magdalene is a woman in her late twenties with a calm and composed demeanor. Her fair skin, framed by long auburn hair, gives her a warm and approachable appearance. She wears the traditional robes of the Order, adorned with symbols of celestial entities and intricate embroidery that signifies her rank within the organization.   Magdalene Freese is a beacon of celestial light in Havenport, embodying the principles of the Order of Celestial Harmony as she ventures forth to bring healing, compassion, and divine justice to the world.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Healing Touch: Magdalene is a skilled healer, able to channel celestial energy to mend wounds and cure ailments. Her healing abilities make her a valuable asset in both adventuring parties and the broader community.   Divine Magic: As a cleric of the Order, Magdalene can call upon divine magic to banish darkness, protect her allies, and smite her foes. Her spells often manifest as radiant energy, a testament to the celestial forces she serves.   Knowledge of Celestial Lore: Through her studies in the Order, Magdalene has acquired extensive knowledge of celestial entities, their histories, and their influence on the mortal realm. This knowledge aids her in understanding and interpreting celestial signs and omens.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Magdalene Freese was born into a family deeply rooted in religious traditions, with a long history of serving the divine. From an early age, Magdalene exhibited a strong connection to the celestial forces, displaying an innate ability to channel divine energy. Recognizing her potential, the family decided to send her to the Order of Celestial Harmony to undergo formal training.

Intellectual Characteristics


Devout: Magdalene is deeply committed to the principles of the Order of Celestial Harmony. Her unwavering faith in the divine guides her actions, and she seeks to spread the light of celestial beings wherever she goes.   Compassionate: Magdalene is known for her compassion and empathy. She believes in aiding those in need and providing solace to the suffering, reflecting the teachings of the Order.   Disciplined: The rigorous training of the Order has instilled a strong sense of discipline in Magdalene. She approaches challenges methodically and remains composed even in the face of adversity.

Personality Characteristics


Spread Celestial Harmony: Magdalene's primary goal is to spread the teachings of the celestial entities and promote harmony in the mortal realm. She believes that through compassion and understanding, individuals can align themselves with the divine.   Attain the Rank of Harmonizer: Magdalene aspires to attain the prestigious rank of Harmonizer within the Order. This position would grant her the authority to lead rituals, guide the Order's followers, and serve as a beacon of celestial wisdom.   Combat Darkness: Magdalene is driven to combat darkness and malevolent forces that threaten the safety and well-being of the innocent. Her divine abilities are dedicated to protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

Personality Quirks

Morning Rituals: Magdalene starts her day with a series of prayers and rituals to commune with the celestial entities. This morning routine is a sacred practice that helps her align her spirit with the divine.   Symbol of Faith: She always carries a small, intricately crafted symbol of the Order—a celestial emblem—around her neck. It serves as a constant reminder of her purpose and connection to the divine.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Aligned Organization

Cover image: OoCH Header by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Magdalene Freese by Appy Pie Design