Qulocto Mengraven

Qulocto Mengraven is a powerful and enigmatic Eye Tyrant, a creature known for its bizarre and menacing appearance with a large central eye surrounded by numerous eye stalks. Qulocto stands out even among its kind, possessing an intellect and magical prowess that elevate it to a position of leadership within the secretive organization known as The Tyrant's Eye.  

Leadership of The Tyrant's Eye:

As the leader of The Tyrant's Eye, Qulocto directs the organization's activities from the shadows. It rarely involves itself directly in the affairs of the world, preferring to work through intermediaries and agents. Qulocto's leadership style is marked by secrecy, manipulation, and the careful orchestration of events to achieve its mysterious goals.  

Rumors and Intrigues:

Ancient Lorekeeper:
Some whispers suggest that Qulocto Mengraven is an ancient lorekeeper, seeking to uncover forgotten secrets and mysteries from eons past. Whether this is for personal enlightenment or to reshape the world remains unknown.   Astral Conduit:
There are rumors that Qulocto has discovered a magical portal or astral conduit that grants it access to hidden realms and ancient sources of magical power. The purpose of these journeys remains a mystery, but it fuels speculation about the Beholder's grand designs.   Qulocto Mengraven's presence in the world is a constant source of intrigue and trepidation. Its mastery of magic, enigmatic motives, and leadership of The Tyrant's Eye make it a figure of significant influence in the shadows, manipulating the threads of fate to achieve its inscrutable goals.

Physical Description

Body Features

Qulocto's central eye is its most prominent feature, and its body is a spherical mass covered in mottled, leathery skin. Numerous eye stalks extend from its body, each ending in a smaller eye that possesses unique magical abilities. The central eye is capable of anti-magic properties, and the surrounding eyes have various magical effects, making Qulocto a formidable magical adversary.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Qulocto Mengraven is highly intelligent and calculating, possessing a mind that sees and understands the intricacies of magic and manipulation. It is a master strategist, able to plan and execute complex schemes with precision. Qulocto's motives and desires are shrouded in mystery, and it rarely reveals its true intentions to anyone, even within The Tyrant's Eye.

Personality Characteristics


The true goals of Qulocto Mengraven remain a closely guarded secret. Its actions suggest an interest in acquiring magical artifacts of great power and manipulating political events to further its mysterious agenda. Whether driven by a desire for ultimate power, knowledge, or a more inscrutable purpose, Qulocto's motives are a source of speculation and fear.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Magical Prowess:

Qulocto's magical abilities are vast and formidable. The eye stalks can unleash a variety of spells and effects, including spells that charm, paralyze, or disintegrate its foes. The central eye has the ability to nullify magic in its vicinity, making Qulocto a potent adversary for spellcasters. Its mastery of magical manipulation extends to divination and illusion, allowing it to gather information and deceive its enemies.

Arrogant, narcissistic and cruel. Is the only Aberration of his kind in existence. Hates Arcade Huppledruff for unknown reasons.

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Cover image: Tyrant's Eye Header by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Beholder V1 by RGB Dungeon