The Aurelius House Family Organization in Strathnora | World Anvil

The Aurelius House Family

The Aurelius House is a noble family in Mezrillia known for its scholarly pursuits, magical expertise, and contributions to the city's intellectual and arcane endeavors. Members of the Aurelius House have a deep connection to magical arts, and their influence extends to the magical academies in Three Shades.  


Despite their magical prowess, the Aurelius family may face challenges such as competition with other magical families, navigating political intrigues related to magical affairs, and occasionally dealing with the ethical implications of certain magical practices.  


The Aurelius House's legacy is deeply intertwined with Mezrillia's magical heritage. Their contributions to magical education, artifact crafting, and arcane research have left an indelible mark on the city's identity, making them both respected and integral to Mezrillia's cultural landscape.


Lord Valerius Aurelius:
Lord Valerius is the patriarch of the Aurelius House, a wise and accomplished wizard. He is known for his extensive knowledge of magical history and his leadership in magical academia. Lord Valerius often serves as an advisor to the ruling council on matters related to magic.   Lady Seraphina Aurelius:
Lady Seraphina is the matriarch of the family and an accomplished sorceress. Her expertise lies in potion brewing and alchemical studies. Lady Seraphina is also a patron of magical arts and often supports aspiring wizards and alchemists in the city.   Archmage Octavius Aurelius:
Octavius is a prominent member of the Aurelius family and holds the title of Archmage. Known for his mastery of diverse magical disciplines, he plays a key role in overseeing magical research and education within the family and the broader magical community in Mezrillia.   Magistra Isolde Aurelius:
Magistra Isolde is a renowned magical historian and scholar within the Aurelius House. Her expertise in documenting magical traditions and histories has contributed significantly to the family's legacy and the understanding of magic in Mezrillia.   Aurelia Aurelius:
Aurelia, the youngest daughter, is a prodigious sorceress with a talent for elemental magic. Known for her innovative approach to spellcasting, Aurelia has garnered attention for her potential to push the boundaries of magical knowledge within the family.   Professor Magnus Aurelius:
Professor Magnus is a respected faculty member at one of the magical academies in Three Shades. Specializing in the practical applications of magical theory, Magnus is dedicated to training the next generation of wizards and ensuring the continued growth of magical knowledge.   Artificer Lucius Aurelius:
Lucius is an artificer and skilled craftsman within the family. His expertise lies in the creation of magical artifacts, and he is often sought after for his ability to enchant objects with unique and powerful magical properties.   Diplomat Ariadne Aurelius:
Ariadne is the family's diplomatic representative, specializing in magical diplomacy. She engages with magical communities, both within Mezrillia and beyond, fostering alliances and ensuring that the Aurelius House remains well-connected in the magical world.


Magical Expertise:
The Aurelius family is renowned for its magical proficiency and expertise. Members often pursue studies in various magical disciplines, contributing to the city's knowledge of the arcane arts. The family has produced accomplished wizards, sorcerers, and scholars over generations.

Public Agenda

Leadership in Magical Academies:
The Aurelius House holds a prominent position in the magical academies of Three Shades. Family members often serve as faculty members, researchers, or advisors within these institutions, influencing the direction of magical education in Mezrillia.   Artifact and Potion Crafting:
Members of the Aurelius family are skilled in the crafting of magical artifacts and potions. They contribute to the enchantment of items that are sought after for their magical properties, adding to the city's economy and reputation for magical craftsmanship.   Arcane Research and Exploration:
The Aurelius House is known for its involvement in arcane research and exploration. Family members may embark on quests to uncover ancient magical knowledge or explore regions with ties to magical phenomena, contributing to Mezrillia's understanding of the arcane.   Cultural Preservation:
The family places importance on the preservation of magical traditions and cultural heritage. This includes the documentation of spells, rituals, and the compilation of magical histories, ensuring that Mezrillia's magical legacy is passed down through generations.   Diplomatic Liaisons:
The Aurelius House often acts as a diplomatic bridge between magical communities and the ruling council of Mezrillia. Their knowledge of the arcane and connections to magical societies make them valuable advisors on matters involving magic and the supernatural.

Lumen Magiae Custodimus


Cover image: Family Header by Appy Pie Design
Character flag image: Aurelius House Crest by Appy Pie Design