
Population: 255, Size: 8 acres Demographics: Human (38%), Gnome (27%), Halfling (14%), Tiefling (8%), Tabaxi (6%), Half-Orc (3%), Half-Elf (1%), Elf (1%), Dragonborn (1%), Dwarf (1%)   Wealth: 2,550 gp. Max value for sale: 84 gp. Max pawn value: 446 gp   Vertor is built around a large fortress, known for its energetic horses and its precious gems. The ruler (Guy Hayley, Male Human) is a feared tyrant. The races live together mostly in harmony.   Defenses: The village is surrounded by sandbags. A militia of 25 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Georgina Silvereyes, Female Halfling.   Organizations: The Gilded Harpers, trade guilds, neighborhood crews
Vertor by Watabou
Tavern: The Perfumed Cask
Owner: Mumpena Raulnor, Female Gnome
Location: In a major crossroads. The street outside is unusually full of carriages. A preacher is giving a sermon.
Description: The tavern is a wooden and sprawling single storey building, with a brown shingled roof and overgrown hedges. It contains piles of scrolls and books on the counter and along the walls and shelves filled with random kooky crap.
Phoenix Soup and a Coffee (4 sp)
Turnip Casserole with Rice and a Tankard of Beer (5 sp)
Fish Stew with Rice and a Tankard of Bitter (5 sp)     Blacksmith: The Molten Anvil
Owner: Mardnab Fiddlefen, Female Gnome
Location: In a major crossroads. The street outside has a beggar harassing passers-by.
Description: The blacksmith is a wooden tower, with a yellow tile roof and shiny hardwood floors. It contains a large brass countertop and large pillars covered in weaponry.
Chain Mail (phb 145) (69 gp)
Ring Mail (phb 145) (27 gp)
Ring Mail (phb 145) (27 gp)     Alchemist: Prismatic Clairvoyance
Owner: Meena Tarkelby, Female Gnome
Location: In the main street near the town gate. The street outside is next to a grand hall.
Description: The alchemist is a wooden tower, with a brown tile roof and roughly hewn wooden furniture. It is well-lit by a few magical torches. It contains a deck with chairs and shelves full of disorganized books.
Potion of Climbing (dmg 187) (50 gp)
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (50 gp)
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (50 gp)     General Store: The Hairy Mart
Owner: Adelard Mitchell, Male Human
Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is crowded with shoppers.
Description: The general store is a log two-storey building, with a white shingled roof and a small enclosed deck. It contains antique cabinets filled with oddities and all sorts of kooky crap on the walls.
Mason's Tools (phb 154) (10 gp)
Scale, Merchant's (phb 153) (5 gp)
Carpenter's Tools (phb 154) (15 gp)     Church: Church of Vertor
Owner: Diggory Wheatley, Male Human
Location: In a major crossroads. The street outside is shaded by large trees and has a fortune teller.
Description: The church is a plaster and wood framed rowhouse, with a reinforced wooden door and simple furniture. It contains a large bookshelf filled with books and expertly crafted columns.
Possible NPCs:
Ella Nopenstallen, Female Gnome
Nirgel Wit, Male Tiefling
Tod Deephollow, Male Halfling
Arnold Berkeley, Male Human
Ida Ainsworth, Female Human
Solomon Addington, Male Human
Tervaround Raulnor, Female Gnome