
Population: 653, Size: 22 acres
Demographics: Human (52%), Tabaxi (16%), Gnome (16%), Halfling (6%), Elf (5%), Half-Elf (1%), Half-Orc (1%), Tiefling (1%), Dwarf (1%), Dragonborn (1%)   Wealth: 6,530 gp. Max value for sale: 215 gp. Max pawn value: 1,143 gp   Wolfnum is built upon an isolated peak that can only be accessed by a bridge, known for having tough warriors and its rice fields. The ruler (Rosalind Elton, Female Human) is a feared tyrant. The races live together mostly in harmony.   Defenses: The village is surrounded by sandbags. 4 trained warriors serve in the village's defense, and a militia of 65 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Mumpena Humplebumple, Female Gnome.   Organizations: Society of Iron Paragons, The Sons of the Glittering Dogs, Order of the Hinterland Guild
Wolfnum by Watabou
Tavern: The Frigate's Boot
Owner: Simon Oakley, Male Human
Location: In the middle of the slums. The street outside is next to a grand hall. A child presents a player with a flower and nervously says they're cute before running away giggling.
The tavern is a plaster and wood framed and large single storey building, with a brown shingled roof and shiny hardwood floors. It is well-lit by a few magical torches. It contains a deck with chairs and a craps table.
Oxen Cake with Rice and a Glass of Whiskey (5 sp)
Eggs and Ham Casserole with Cake and a Coffee (5 sp)
Fish Pie and a Mug of Perry (4 sp)     Blacksmith: Sweat & Hilt
Owner: Percival Oakley, Male Human
Location: In a market quarter. The street outside has a weird smell and contains a heroic monument. It's supposedly haunted.
Description: The blacksmith is a plaster and wood framed simple building, with an orange shingled roof and tile flooring. It contains a high vaulted ceiling and saws and tools hanging from the ceiling.
Ring Mail (phb 145) (28 gp)
Chain Mail (phb 145) (74 gp)
Chain Mail (phb 145) (70 gp)     Alchemist: Leaf's Fragrances
Owner: Leaf Hummingbird, Female Tabaxi
Location: In a well-lit avenue with guard towers. The street outside is unusually full of carriages and is adjacent to a large home. A funeral procession goes by.
Description: The alchemist is a adobe tower, with a blue tile roof and softly blowing chimes by the door. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains taxidermied birds hanging from the ceiling and a small serving area with glowing potions.
Elixir of Health (dmg 168) (119 gp)
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (49 gp)
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (48 gp)     General Store: Bear Oddities
Owner: Cloud Wing, Male Tabaxi
Location: In the main street near the town gate. The street outside is unusually full of carriages.
Description: The general store is a stone-walled simple building, with a small fenced yard and a small enclosed deck. It contains a suit of armor on the back wall and sacks full of fruit cover the floor.
Bottle, glass (phb 153) (2 gp)
Bottle, glass (phb 153) (2 gp)
Cook's Utensils (phb 154) (49 gp)     Church: Church of Sune
Owner: Solomon Eastoft, Male Human
Location: In a major crossroads. The street outside is full of market stalls. The party is surrounded by a group of begging, pick-pocketing children.
Description: The church is a plaster and wood framed two-storey building, with a reinforced wooden door and overgrown hedges. It contains a number of pots and miscellaneous supplies hanging from the ceiling and a large altar.
Possible NPCs:
Eleanor Bradley, Female Human
Wiggens Gimlen, Male Gnome
Ella Gracey, Female Human
Immeral Iranapha, Male Elf
Oppleby Glittergem, Male Gnome
Gilbert Merton, Male Human
Gerald Altham, Male Human
John Sharps, Male Human
Oƻgrish Moreno, Male Half-Orc
Heather Brady, Female Human