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Humans are four-limbed bipedal primates of the mammalian class. They have a highly developed brain capable of abstract reasoning, language, and introspection (though they are hardly the only creatures in Magic capable of this). The only natural plane where humans are known not to exist at all is Lorwyn-Shadowmoor. Human is the characteristic race for the color white.   Though the way humans act in most planes covers a fairly broad range of behaviors, this range itself is roughly the same across most planes. The same is true regarding the physical traits that they have. But there may also be some planes where there are greater differences.  

Humans of Ixalan

The people of the Sun Empire on Ixalan are said to have been formed from the clay by the loving hands of Kinjalli, the Wakening Sun. They live alongside dinosaurs, without taming or domesticating them, but leading them into battle and harnessing them to heavy loads. The humans of Torrezon live under the rule of aristocratic vampires of the Legion of Dusk, while others have fled to form the Brazen Coalition.

Humans of Ravnica

For unknown reasons, possibly to do with the higher standard of living, the humans of Ravnica have longer lifespans than humans on other planes. They are the only race that has members in large numbers in all of the plane's guilds. However, none of the guild's paruns are human, and human guildmasters are seldom.

Humans of Zendikar

The humans of Zendikar are incredibly resourceful, but their appearance is rather ragged, on account of the ongoing conflict and battle for survival.


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