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The Anubis-inspired Khenra of Amonkhet are tall and lean, with heads closely resembling jackals. Their snouts are long and sharp, and their angular ears rise straight above their heads. Their bodies are covered in dark, sleek hair that ranges from the brown of the desert sands to ebony black. Despite their sharp teeth, they consider biting to be an uncouth and unworthy combat tactic. Nearly every khenra is born a fraternal or identical twin, and a pair of khenra twins form an extremely close emotional bond unknown to most other residents of Amonkhet. The rare khenra who are born without twins are believed to have killed their siblings in the womb and are thus viewed as natural-born initiates, sure to achieve a glorified death in the Trial of Zeal. Their instinctual connection lends itself well to their preferred fighting style.   Most khenra worship Hazoret, who is known to favor them among her viziers. Other khenra choose to distance themselves from Hazoret and the reckless battle frenzy she encourages. They devote themselves instead to honing their physical strength, resilience, and adaptability, inspired and guided by the teachings of Rhonas. These khenra have a great fondness for wrestling (or tussling, as they often call it), and they keep careful track of the matches they win and lose against other initiates. They often seek out matches against minotaurs, enjoying the challenge of pitting their sinewy strength against the brute muscle of larger and heavier opponents.


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