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Minotaurs is a creature type describing humanoid bull creatures, which stand on two hooves and have bovine snouts and horns. Some minotaurs have a more goat-, antelope-, or moose-like appearance. Finding their homes in mountainous regions of the multiverse, minotaurs are fierce in combat and often very prideful. Some minotaurs have four fingers (with two thumbs), while others have more human-like hands.  

Minotaurs of Alara

Before the Conflux, the minotaurs inhabited the deep canyons of Naya, but now roam the width and breadth of Alara freely.

Minotaurs of Ravnica

Ordruun Minotaurs

The Ordruun line of minotaurs are the most prominent on Ravnica. They descend from an ancient hero who is said to have taught minotaurs the art of war. The Ordruun have vowed allegiance to the Boros Legion and the Wojeks. They perform the "Hammer Duty" and have a powerband in the legion of 13. Ordruun are the peacekeepers of the communities, by handling menial tasks, like domestic disturbances, transferring prisoners, and upholding the Laws of Ravnica.  

Other Minotaurs

Other family lines include the Kharran line (primarily associated with the Gruul Scab Clan), the Dendraa (scattered among the Gruul), and the Tazgral line (divided between the Boros and the Gruul, with a significant number in the Cult of Rakdos. Some minotaurs were affiliated with the Izzet League, though very little is known of them. They possessed an affectation for coating their horns with Mizzium.

Minotaurs of Zendikar

The minotaurs of Zendikar are known to be impulsive and aggressive. Some have moose-like antlers rather than horns. Some tribes are nothing more than beasts, not even cultivating their language. Other tribes, especially those on Ondu, are more cooperative. While still impulsive and aggressive, they are bound to their honor and will fight with discipline and follow orders if their reward is high enough. Minotaurs are known to practice shamanism and primitive forms of lithomancy to manipulate the earth and stone of Zendikar for survival.


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