Clover Downs
The Clover Downs is a region on Moethe Havn's southeast corner, close to Sogn Hwell (and thus part of the "Sogn Havn" region colloquially). The Clover Downs is filled with rolling hills of green and yellow meadows with sparse trees, wildflowers, and clover, great for making honey and mead. Some hills are tall enough to see to the nearest coast/ocean.
Rolling hills
Grazing mammals such as deer, horses, sheep, livestock. Bees, butterflies, and other insects that pollinate the plentiful flowers. Occasional wurms, whose surfacing is rare and the remnants of such risings are quickly covered over with flowers and grasses within a matter of days and rounded out again. Smaller mammals like rabbits.
Fauna & Flora
Daisies, wildflowers, bees, rabbits, sheep, clover, wurms
Natural Resources
Flowers, honey, grass
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