Cow Beetle

The black-carapaced Cow Beetles are a vital part of the lifestock of Styx.

They were first domesticated when the Sumraki-Ashaī came to the Deeplands and have been beloved and cared for animals ever since.
Cow Beetles secrete a liquid from a gland under their shiny belly, this liquid is in nature used to chemically cleanse surfaces before egg sacs are deposited but the people of Styx realized very soon that beyond its cleansing qualities it also tastes great.
The taste is very sour, owed to the acidity of the secretion but fermentation sweetens it and many forms of preparation are common among the people of Styx.

Cheeses and jogurt are made from the juice that is usually called beetle juice or bug milk but it is also used in many other dishes like in cakes, pastries, sauces and even confections.

Bug milk is beloved by many who dwell in Styx and a saying states "a cup of bug milk a day keeps the Parvian Saints away".


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