United States of Armalite Geographic Location in Sudlich | World Anvil
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United States of Armalite


It's mostly plains, deserts, and forests, but certain places are more desert plains, and forested plains, ect. Near the water it's a beach, but kind of swamp like.


Same as Earth.

Ecosystem Cycles

Same as Texas, and New Mexico.

Localized Phenomena

In Bampydia, there tend to be tornados that form there, and there specifically.

Fauna & Flora

Same as Texas, but with a Jackalope.

Natural Resources

All types of Metal, Oil, and most importantly an abbundance of many types of fruits.


King Wills was made the new king, he was also the new royal bloodline. He mistreated the Northwest of Killashandra, and they revolted A year of war goes by and Armalite won independence! They became the United States of Armalite They started by making Yeya, Bampydia, and Gimyan the three states.


Purvilinkaa in Yeya, is a great tourist attraction, for it is beautiful, and also where the final battle was fought. (Once Kikatree is defeated) Kokka is the most popular site to visit, for it's one of the greatest battles won in History


  • Map of Killashandra (the continent)
Alternative Name(s)
Armalite, or U.S.A
Included Organizations
Characters in Location

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