Bounty of the Flame Organization in Sufera | World Anvil
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Bounty of the Flame

A popular religion of the Arkian Shogunate


Headed by an Apostle, the church is led in prayer by a selection of Firekeepers that ensure hearths are lit off of the Divine Spark in all temples to show their continued belief in the Dragons


High value placed on the gift of magic to the creatures of Sufera by the Dragons

Mythology & Lore

The first gift given by The Dragons was that of the flame. A simple flame shaped Sufera in innumerable ways, allowing Humanoids to take control of the night, forge their metal and shape the world to their liking.   As a gesture of gratitude and a display of responsibility, followers of this religion have kept the first flame given to them alight.   In a Pyre within Muld, a gentle red flame simmers, fueled by wood logs wrapped in flower tributes, it continues to burn away under strict guidance. They believe that the tributes are enfused with the prayers of those that wrap them, and when they burn in the fire, the Dragons, and The Divine both are able to hear them.

Divine Origins

The first Apostle, Apostle Marri was one of the Humanoids present at the gifting of the flame from Rinkyu, Dragon of Evocation. Having travelled a great distance to great Rinkyu with the intention of bringing the gift back home.   She travelled for many weeks (some tellings have over a year), the flame contuining to burn through rain, falls and deserts, kept alive by her constant prayers to The Divine and The Dragons. Eventually she was able to make it to her tribe in Muld, there they lit the pyre for the first time, and there it has remained since.

Favour the Faithful

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Flamers, Pyromaniacs, Fire Worshippers
Leader Title
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