Fighter Profession in Sufera | World Anvil
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  Professionally trained armsmen, capable in all forms of combat and entrusted with the majority of military operations in the larger states of Sufera. These soldiers, often weapons for hire, are avaialble across the plane and in no small number, though not all Fighters are made equal.
  The most prestigious of schools can be found in Norbiz, a settlement made entirely in support of the school.
Any fool can use a weapon, I will teach you how to use their weapon against them
— Dremarc Plov, Defensive Specialist



  • Where you learnt
  • What your certification trial was like
  • Normally involves 1 on 1 battle till concession
  • Preference of weaponry
  • Career


    Candidates to be educated in this profession are required to be in decent physical fitness before starting, so that they can keep up with the training that is mandated.   Similar to Magical professions, the academies only educate the students, not certify. So student must go to a Certification Bureau to have their abilities certified.

    Career Progression

    Fighters are an independent profession, so there is no organisation to progress through. However, there are communities and sub-professions they will be able to gain noteriety in, such as Show Fighting (Gladiators), Protection services (Bodyguard) or as a Mecernary (Adventurer for hire). Another common option is to join the military of one of the states, as a certification as a Fighter allows immediate higher ranks and better pay, though this does come with mandatory service and minimum terms.

    Payment & Reimbursement

    Fighters are typically self employed and working on contractual basis'



    Fighters occupy the defensive, offensive and entertainment roles in society, often around in the background but rarely noticed as their skills don't often need use in public spaces.

    Social Status

    Fighters social status depends on their reputation, as some may reach highs for good deads, where as others may be ostracised for their actions.
    Alternative Names
    Brawlers, Mercenaries, Ruffians, Soldiers
    Famous in the Field


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