Parliament of Rigin Character in Sufera | World Anvil
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Parliament of Rigin

The Parliament of Rigin is composed of 3 elected representatives of Rigin from each of the Major provinces, that unite to enact laws for the entirety of the federal republic.
Officially, the laws do not come from the elected representatives, but instead from the Parliament itself.   In the constitution of Upor, it was made that the Parliament itself is a person, and that it is the eternal Head of State. The elected representatives of the Parliament act on its behalf in formal affairs.  


Think of Upor as a company, the Parliament is the Board of Directors, and the elected representatives as the members of the Board.
There is always a Board, and the Company is represented by the Board but the members change.
Similarly, Upor is represented by the Parliament, but the members may change.


The constitution of Rigin is the document that defines the structure of Upor and all of the governmental duties. The only known copy is housed within the Parliament Building in Pirecalld, with only the elected representatives able to see it.


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