Wizard Profession in Sufera | World Anvil
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  Through hard work and dedication to their craft, Wizards are able to manipulate the fabric of reality to their whim, controlling all of the schools of magic is the expectation for a skilled wizard, and one that many can attest to.
Maugh Valos Vaeros
Burning Desire Manifests Flame



  • What school did you attend
  • Why did you specialise how you did
  • Why did you go to wizard school over other occupations
  • Who was your apprenticeship with
  • Career


    Candidates to Wizarding academies must succeed in passing their entrance requiements, commonly an assessment of their current capabilities and their ability to learn new spells   After this, they must attend at least 5 years of the Academy as an Initiate, being tested at multiple points. These tests serve as both a measure of an Initiates progress and to prepare them for their time gaining Certifications.   Following this, they are invited to spend a year as a Wizards Apprentice. The Wizard they shadow is free to utilise the Apprentice however necessary in their field, and it is encouraged that Apprentices will seek a mentor that specialises in their desired field. After this year, their mentor also acts as their sponsor for the Certification board, putting them forward for their final test or holding them back for more studies.

    Career Progression

    A fully certified Wizard has employment options in many fields. The most common of which is to sell their abilities, as a mercenary or guardian of a local area.   Another common option is to remain in academia, and continue their studies in search of greater knowledge or power. These individuals frequently go on to be mentors for new apprentices.   If the Wizard continues to gather power, and proves to certifying bodies such, they may be offered to become a Royal Mage


    Social Status

    Though many forms of spellcasters exist, the Wizards are the most respected as they have worked the most to gain their position, which grants them favour over others that may have inherited or made a deal for their abilities
    Alternative Names
    Mage, Magician, Loremaster
    Medium-High (Equal to other Spellcasters)
    Famous in the Field
    Related Locations


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