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A Rose Among Thorns

A Rose Among Thorns is an erotic novel published in 575 (approximately 160 years ago). Originally written by Kamilla Tarainov, it was translated into Common from the original Barovian by Kworic Lvov in 608.   The novel tells the story of Agnessa Dargova, a beautiful but Karenesque noblewoman from Vallaki, and how she found herself living unexpectedly among the fabled forest folk of Barovia — and ended up in a polyamorous relationship with seven of them. Widely condemned by the Vallakovich family for its glorification of hostile civilizations, unnatural pairings, and unwomanly behaviour, it has nevertheless remained a cult classic in Vallaki and abroad since its publication.  


Agnessa Dargova

The protagonist of A Rose Among Thorns, and the one who the limited third person narration focuses on. Agnessa is beautiful but not a sympathetic character at first, displaying many of the foibles and unkind thoughts common among people of her tax bracket. Still, her inner monologue is at times quite funny, if a bit mean-spirited.  


Opening Chapters: Scene-Setting and Character Establishsment

The first few chapters may be difficult to get through for those disinclined to enjoy the inner monologues of noblewomen who smile through every exchange while privately thinking unkind thoughts, as Ayduin discovered. Most of these first chapters involve her going about her day in Vallaki, being privately annoyed by all the simple, small-minded folk that surround her while she acts the part of the perfect lady. The narration comes close, at times, to critiquing the culture of fear, authoritarianism, and compulsory heterosexuality in Vallaki, but always shies away at the last minute.  

Lost in the Woods

Agnessa, seeking a momentary respite from the crowded "city" and all its stuffy ideals, goes for a walk along the path north to Lake Zarovich, passing Old Nelli's shack and getting quite flustered by the old woman's lewd comments when she stops to say good day. Despite laughing off the warnings of the guards when she leaves Vallaki's walls, Old Nelli's heckling distracts her, and she doesn't realize she's being stalked by a menacing wolf — described in lurid detail — until it's nearly upon her. Running for her life, her only chance of escape is to flee into the dark Svalich Woods, and by the time she's lost the wolf, she's also become lost herself. After a few futile attempts to gain her bearings, she falls to the ground, weeping bitterly at this cruel twist of fate.
Item type
Book / Document


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