BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Mathilde Sonsador

Sylvain's former mentor and boss. Co-owns Jewels of the Deep with two other women. Super offended that Sylvain would abandon her.   Sylvain's Notes - Colourful, noisy peacock of a human woman who thinks she’s a gods-given gift to the realms. She’s now in her early 50s, but she still has a striking beauty to her when she’s not dressed like the carnival is in town. She’s more heavy-set, but hasn’t gained or lost much weight since I met her. I think she likes having a solid core to go with her vice-like grip. She knows her business and she’s good at what she does.   Her background is in thievery and cons, however, I think she learned fast that there were safer ways to squeeze money out of the rich quite quickly into her career. Both she and her two partners, Natmine and Keyrona, decided opening a brothel in the richest ward in Waterdeep and catering to those with more money than brains was the more profitable venture. They had the skills, brains and connections to make it work, so they opened Jewels of the Deep.   While Natmine and Keyrona handled the brothel side of things, Mathilde decided to tackle her own personal pet-project: an escort service. She would find individuals with promise, train and condition them, and then make them the highest paying service with the most prestige attached... for the buyers that is. We ended up being quite the commodity as expensive living toys.   My relationship with Mathilde is exceptionally complicated as I am certain I would be dead had she not kidnapped me and essentially adopted me. She fed, clothed, trained, mentored, paid me, and kept me safe while I was there. On the other hand, I have a suspicion she had clocked me much sooner than I realized and paid off the boy working with me that day to lure me in. At the time I thought it was all luck, but as I grew up, I learned that very little was luck with this woman. She made her own luck and calculated her moves very carefully. Mathilde manipulated and conditioned me to be what she wants, and it slowly wore me down over the years.   She thinks very highly of herself, but I do know that despite her methods, she thinks highly of us too. I know deep down she cares about us like family, and has ensured that our basic needs, both mental and physical, were met, but she also did a lot of damage to those she looked after. I think she was the most hurt out of all of them when I left. While I always had the choice to leave, I don’t think she ever expected me to. I don't think she understands why I left either. In her eyes, I had everything I could ever want. While she is an amazing strategic player, she has a profound lack of understanding of motivations other than her own.


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