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Tuama Beannaithe (tu-A-ma BA-nee-heh)

Tuama Beannaithe (tu-A-ma BA-nee-heh) — also known as Yester Hill — is a sacred space at the western edge of , about four hours south of the .  


  Tuama Beannaithe was, long before and arrived in Barovia, a sacred space dedicated to . As part of Strahd's consolidation of power, he desecrated the space, uprooting the Huntress's sacred yew, and planting in its place a Gulthias Tree, the root (heh) of the blights that plagued the land for centuries.   Tuama Beannaithe serves as a burial place for some of the cailleacha's most honoured dead of old, with burial mounds placed all around its spiral pathway. At the foot of the hill, to the northeast, a small shrine to the Huntress sits in the woods. There is also a stone circle atop the hill, plagued by a constant lightning storm, and a sacred grove to the south of the circle, previously home to many blights.   Though its original name is Tuama Beannaithe, it's known to most these days as Yester Hill thanks to a strange phenomenon: one can see a shining city, Strahd's ancestral home, through the mists at the edge of Yester Hill, as well as other strange sights which call to those who gaze into that vast curtain of mist. Having been occupied by those cailleacha loyal to Strahd for many centuries, Tuama Beannaithe is a place most Barovians have no interest in visiting.  

Notable Locations

  There is a shrine to the northeast of the hill, 15 to 20 feet into the Svalich Woods. Burial mounds, ten feet tall, mark the winding spiral path up the hill. At the top of the hill, a circle of boulders 10–15 feet tall stands, with an entrance at the north and another at the south, though it's difficult to reach the south entrance from lower on the hill without climbing. One of these boulders is the boulder exploded on. There used to be a 50-foot-tall statue of Strahd in this circle, but now it's a pile of wood and dirt. South of the circle stands a grove of trees, where the sprout of the sacred yew has begun to grow once more.  

Notable Residents

  For many centuries, cailleacha loyal to Strahd occupied the hill. Currently, it serves as the home to the remaining friendly cailleacha, as well as the surviving wereravens and one (1) archmage.


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