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The Lavish Feast

The smell of spice and honey was in the air along with the unmistakable smell of burnt, well aged pine. The baking fires had been going for nearly two days to prepare the rolls, bread sticks, and cakes for the feast. As fast as the cakes were cooled, they were decorated with an ample honey cream icing and sent the Hall of the Mountain King. From a nearby outcropping of rock faires  theof Mountain Tribe rolled giant wheels of cheese. They also carried casks of sweet mead to the hall of their king. Making their way up the mountain guided by rangers from the Forest Tribe were members of the Lake Tribe with strips of salted fish for the feast. Many of the Mud Tribe were already enjoying the day counting on the other tribes to put the finishing touches on the feast while they were on their second mug.


The Lavish Feast goes back to before the Big Conflict but has only recently been celebrated collectively by all in The Fairy Court. Each of the tribes brought their own customs and dishes and every year a healthy dose of competition encourages the chefs and cooks to try and outdo each other in scale and complexity while still holding true to their traditional tribal roots.


Each tribe specializes in some part of the feast but it is not always the same year to year as the tribes rotate who will host the feast. However it is usually agreed to let the Mud Tribe handle the decoration as they can play their part before they start 'enjoying' themselves too much.

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