Thirsty Carp
The Thirsty Carp is the quietest and quaintest of Engleher’s taverns. A sign depicting a carp with his fins up in a boxing pose hangs above the door of this two-story wooden structure, but within, the calm demeanor of its patrons leads some to wonder if this might be the one tavern in Mifob never to host a barroom brawl. The Carp’s current proprietor is a matronly Dwarf named Brelda Feldspar, a stoic but shrewd businesswoman who took over the bar after her son Dalas , the previous owner, vanished without a trace. A few locals saw the red-bearded Dalas walking out of town with a hooded stranger. Over a year has passed, and Brelda suspects that her son is gone for good.
Purpose / Function
Thirsty Carp
Wares beverages, meals, lodging
The Rowdy Rockfish automatically supports the heroes if they bring Lasda home.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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