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Null (Daniel Herrera)

Null (Daniel Herrera)

The business is inherently selfish, just like people. Some might disagree, but that's what Daniel thinks. No one's ever liked Daniel, his family puts up with him, but that's about it.   Null's different. A vigilante hero that doesn't call himself that. If anything he hates heroes the most. What Null accomplishes is revealing the truth that some people try to hide. After doing it for a year he can count the number of heroes he's shamed on one hand. The rest are mainly local celebrities, businessmen, lawyers, and in one case even a local politician. If you hear the mechanical click of a camera and see a boy in a dark red parka disappear, chances are Null found something you don't want to get out.   That's what he mainly spends his time doing. He doesn't go out of his way to stop muggings, foil robberies, or even get the cat out of a tree. People live and die by their decisions, and Null is no exception.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean, keeps himself fit by running atop rooftops and teleporting.

Body Features

Scar on his knee he got two years ago, from when he was testing out his powers and fell into a city trash can. If asked he'll usually lie about it.

Facial Features

Without the mask the only thing you could identify him with is a mocking grin he loves to sport.

Identifying Characteristics

His brown hair is so dark it's almost black.

Physical quirks

When he's not wearing the mask, he'll instantly adopt body language that reflects his dropped confidence. Mask on, it's the opposite.

Special abilities

If he can see a target within 20 feet of him, he can instantly teleport to it. If recorded and played back, it seems that for a quarter of a second his body relaxes and he appears to fall into his own shadow. Reappearing at the destination.   The limits of this are that he can't mentally envision the target. It must be line of sight. Another caveat is that while he could teleport past 20 feet, not only is the delay between jumps bigger, he'll start to feel the psychical strain on his body. If used too much even his own form will start to flicker, and Daniel will see flashes of himself back at the factory.
    Power Negation
The ability that gave Daniel his hero name. Nullification, targets within 10 feet have their abilities dampened to the point of inactivity. This is limited to powers that are active in nature. For example, a Hero who possesses super strength due to an already transformed body would not be affected. Any attempt to stretch it out past that range suffers the same drawbacks as his teleport. Strain, followed by the factory.

Apparel & Accessories

His dark red parka, shorts, sneakers and black morph suit, which has the head part cut out to fit his slick black mask that was made to reveal his glowing eyes when he uses his abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Null was born when his father posted an article that was intensely critical of the hero "Savior." Ironically Savior was skimming off the top of his numerous charities. Hospitals, children's centers, and even animal shelters.   Well when your hero name is Savior what other kind of charities do you expect?   Problem is Savior didn't like that. The hero from on high vs a journalist working for a newspaper that got in over it's head. Normally, the stories would get picked up by larger companies, but they cut to the source. Javier's sources no longer wanted to associate with him, and with that his career was over. He now works a job as an freelance photojournalist, often needing to leave town for long periods of time.   That happened 4 years ago.   2 years ago is when Daniel stumbled into an abandoned factory to get test-shots with his new camera he had saved up for. That's when he saw recently moved crates, some marked under the name K.H.E.M. and others obviously stolen from A.E.G.I.S.   Needless to say curiosity killed the Daniel. His stumbling into the broken down factory had him accidently walking into a test facility testing out highly experimental tech. With the factory essentially being used like a Bombing Range for it.   That's how Daniel gained his powers, and how he soon got the idea to become Null.


Currently enrolled in the largest public high school. Daniel is pretty good about his attendance, until very recently.


He's made a few side jobs doing freelance photography.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Truth flows from a multitude of tongues.
  • The people are best served by a number of antagonistic voices.
-both are from Daniel's father.

Wealth & Financial state

Bella Herrera: Mother that is trying to manage a full time job, and watching her three boys. She works underneath their complex as a therapist. Despite the professional sounding job, she's a pretty laid back person who encourages their children to grow into their responsibilities.   Javier Herrera: Father that wrote a scathing article about what a popular hero did with their charity funds. Despite the truth being written, it resulted in Javier being laid off. To try and maintain financially stable for the family, he has a job that has him move out of town a lot and is rarely home.   Juan Herrera: Older brother (19) that absolutely hates supers after what happened with their dad. Is currently going to school as a writer. Obviously doesn't know Daniel is a cape.   Diego Herrera: Younger brother, knows Daniel is Null, but doesn't tell him. Instead pretends to be Nulls biggest fan, and Daniel gets a huge ego boost from it.

Teenager that tries way to hard to make it seem like he doesn't care at all.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Stupid
Date of Birth
Nov. 12. 2026
Sunset City
Current Residence
Sunset City
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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Daniel's Home Oct. 10.
Oct. 10. 2041

For once in the past few days, Daniel did not stumble up the stairs. Instead he slowly made his way up the 2nd floor deck. The floor below belonged to Bella Herrera, where she spent most of her day fulfilling appointments for one-on-one therapy. It was late, she was probably home by now. He paused at the heavy wooden door. Taking deep breaths and getting a control on what he was brining into his home.   Their mom made a point to emphasize 'You don't need to leave your problems at the door, but if you do, be prepared to talk about them.' To the family 'talking' meant sitting down with their mom and working out what was going on in their head, she wouldn't push them to answer, she never pushed them. Often time Daniel would walk through the door, go upstairs to his room lock the door, and play some music. That was what he would do, how he handled things, until recently.   Today, like everything else for him recently was different. He walked in and took a look around the living room.   Daniel had his own opinions on aesthetic, their mom had very strong opinions on aesthetic. It was rustic without being obnoxious. The living room opened up the room to a place that fit a couch, dining table, a TV and decorations that fit plenty of pictures. Some were of the Herrera's, but others were shots depicting a variety of places, some in Sunset City, some outside of the country. Things weren't necessarily tidy, but it felt lived in. At the back left of the living room, it lead to the kitchen, granite countertops and oak cabinets that even had an island. The fridge was old looking, but clean, it also had a number of magnets on it that along with the other decorations in the room, clashed with the overall look. On the right is a staircase that leads to the bedrooms.   It's comforting, but it's not his home.   "Dani!" a small voice calls out to him from the couch. It's his little brother, now no longer focused on his handheld console. "You're back late chiquito," a calm voice calls out from the kitchen. His mom has the fridge open and is looking past the door.   That was home.   "Ay welcome back loser!" came a third voice from up the stairs.   Even that.


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