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Construction Pilgrimage

The Vay are a bunch of packrat weirdos and I love them so much. They're my favorite alien species. Straightforward, blunt, skilled engineers and builders and technicians, and willing to focus on a task until it's finished.   Most of them adhere to the faith of the Builder, and as a big part of that faith, they all perform a specific pilgrimage to the Sphere.  


  The central temple of their worship is focused around a massive floating temple called the Sphere. It floats around their home planet in regular orbits, and is large enough to feature a long-term population of about seven thousand. It has been floating around for over a thousand years. It's basically a guarantee that there is no part of the Sphere that is the same as what it was back then.   As an act of worship, each Vay expects to travel to the Sphere at least once in their lives, and then spend a month or so maintaining or replacing part of the Sphere. There are no modifications made, no changes or extreme adaptations. They just continually rebuild according to the original plans, and those plans are meticulously kept and copied.   The Vay are focused enough that the simple act of repairing their most sacred building keeps them focused and on task. The priests and priestesses who live on the Sphere organize the Vay and keep maintenance on schedule and organized.   There are a few rare moments where there are too many people looking to enter the Sphere for their pilgrimage, but for the most part, there's simply a steady flow of people coming in and out. With every Vay looking to take their turn, it's rare for one of them to take a second stint, and those that do usually end up in the priesthood to some degree.   It's considered to be the best way to honor the Builder, who created them, so they in turn continually create the Sphere in an act of reverence.


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Aug 26, 2024 03:55 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

they sound like engineers!

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