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Harrow Faire

Not too far from Mount Tallon , there used to be a town called Winneton. At one point, it was all but abandoned. Then Alistair Harrow came along and bought the entire thing, renamed it, built a castle, and turned it into a perpetual renaissance faire. It's fantastic.  

People Actually Live There

  Most people stay at the castle, which is truly massive and very well built. There are a few other places someone could stay, but there are a fair number of people who actually live in Harrow Faire. A fair portion of them work with the whole ren faire vibes, but there are a few who just go about their normal lives quietly. On weekends they're supposed to wear medieval garb, though.   A bunch of people have tried to live there, seeing it as fun, but ultimately it's a lot. There's a certain amount of dressing for the scene required to live there, as well as keeping your homes looking a certain way, and yards have to be neat. The weirdest HOA ever. It takes a lot to maintain that lifestyle, and there's a bunch of people who thought they could hack it who ultimately got rather bored of it. Their loss.  

Fun, But Not Too Much Fun

  It's a relatively new town, so there's not a ton to do there on a regular basis just yet. There are scheduled weeks where LARPs go on, or more specific events like jousts or things, but the main attraction remains staying in the completed castle. Harrow has grand plans, and thus far the people who live there are fully in line with those plans.   There are a growing number of themed shops. An armor shop, a garb shop, weaving and blacksmith shop, a glassblower's forge.


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