Moon Bandit Species in Superheroes Assorted | World Anvil
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Moon Bandit

Also known as the Rac-moon or just Ramoon, this adorable and possibly genetically modified creature is supposedly a raccoon that lives on the moon. It may in fact be more than one, but no one has ever seen more than one and the primary evidence for this is that it gets to very different places on the moon that it is simply not possible to reach in the time allotted.   E/N: All of this is easily explained by the fact that you gave the raccoon the power to teleport, Ruby. You made it a little space suit and everything. It hops all over the place at will because you decided it needed a way to get past security systems on the freaking moon.   I didn't make the Moon Bandit. I found it and stabilized it. And gave it a highly intuitive bracelet that allows it to teleport, that happens to only work on the moon. It wasn't even a raccoon, it was a red panda, but the coloring shifted during genetic processing and that first doofus got the wrong idea and now everyone thinks it's a raccoon when she's not, she's a freaking red panda! And honestly sometimes I do wonder if maybe she's lonely and I should try and get her some friends. what I would say if I knew anything more than common conjecture about this cryptid. But I don't. How could I possibly know? There's probably a gazillion of those critters hiding under rocks. No way to tell at all.   While the ramoon is generally treated as something akin to Bigfoot, it has a large body of evidence proving its existence. Cameras have caught it several times, especially raiding the greenhouses and garbage dumps for food and possibly other supplies. There are a number of people who are definitively not insane who have confirmed seeing it, sometimes with other witnesses of the same event.   But really, there's just no way to tell what sort of creature this actually is.


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Aug 9, 2023 11:47 by E. Christopher Clark

I love the creature itself, but I also love the banter between the editor and Ruby and how Ruby leaps to themself.

Now it's time for the awkward wave.