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Pomoda Vines

Having crafted several different species for a variety of purposes, I feel that my accomplishment in crafting the Pomoda vines is one of my grander achievements. It's certainly one of the more purposeful ones.   A/n: Ruby makes species the way some people knit scarves: at random, going with their gut, trusting the process. If she says one of her creations has a purpose, be afraid.   Have you ever wanted to create a stable connection between multiple dimensions without having to expend a lot of resources on maintaining that connection? Because I can do that.  

Two Species, Two Dimensions

  The Psiaic Dimension isn't particularly hospitable to plants, as far as I can tell, but there are a few native species that survive pretty well. I'm not entirely sure on what, but they survive. There's one in particular that's a multicolored vine that has a pleasant smell. Kind of like cumin, sometimes.   And I'm sure you're familiar with basil, and its use in Italian cooking.   Turns out, if you hybridize them, they can exist in both dimensions very successfully. And as they grow, they can be pruned and shaped to grow around dimensional portal openings and this in turn helps stabilize the portal. It's a little bit like a fairy circle, except that it's more vertical. Also less mushrooms.   I have several iterations, depending on where they need to grow, and I usually have a greenhouse full of Pomoda vines so that I can set up a portal wherever I want to.   Interestingly, if using the Psiaic dimension to travel to an entirely different dimension or planet or something, the Pomoda vine still works to stabilize the portal at that end. That part I don't get, and did not plan for, but it works out just fine so I'm not going to worry about it.
Scientific Name
Pontus Mundi


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Aug 18, 2024 20:00

The Pomoda Vines are such a smart solution to a problem that seems to exist in this world. I particularly like the "I don't know how it works, but I don't care"-part. Should use this attitude more often during my worldbuilding.

Aug 20, 2024 20:15

I'm glad you liked it! Ruby's attitude toward creating things does make my life a lot easier. :)

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.