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Portal Site Cleanup Technician

Portals in this world are a surprisingly complicated topic in that most people don't know they exist specifically, and that most portals are either temporary or regularly destroyed by people who don't want Earth to be destroyed by hostile aliens. Either method makes a bit of a mess that's compounded by the fact that most of the authorities want to keep them secret. There's also a bunch of people who think that the average citizen should know that this stuff is out there.   Enter the PSCT, or piscut for short (rhymes with biscuit). No one likes them, but they serve a necessary function.  

Radiation Warning

  A lot of portals simply cause a physical mess, by knocking something over or by blasting through something or just by kicking up a lot of wind and throwing stuff around. These things happen.   The reason that the piscuts need a license to do this stuff is because of the radiation warnings, and other similar things. Most portals you don't really have to deal with much, but there's always trace elements of some energy source or another. There was one portal in Vielene/Valgrozna that bled a purple glow for a month that didn't go away until after they had a piscut crew come through and fix things up.  

Also Politics

  There's also the continual debates over whether or not portals should be cleaned up posthaste or if people should know what happens. Piscuts are responsible for the basics of coverups. Gas leak, reactor breach, a super had really bad diarrhea. Lots of random phrases to tell the press or the curious.   They're just doing their jobs, but there are a lot of people who resent them for doing that.
Alternative Names
PSCT, piscut


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