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Robbing Champion Financial Group

Every selective group should have some kind of initiation ritual that introduces new members properly into what's expected of them. It's just common sense. And if you're a powerful group of supervillains, it makes sense that ruining someone else's day is going to be a part of it.  

It's Fine, They Deserve It

  While Champion Financial Group as a whole is perhaps no worse than any other such institution, it has the misfortune to have included one of the Chaos Coalition's chief rivals as one of their primary investors. Since this guy sucked, we decided it was only right if we all robbed him in turn, stretched out over a year or so.   However, we didn't want to alert people to the fact that we were targetting a specific person, because then they'd heighten security. So we robbed their banks that just happened to have things belonging to our foe in them.   Screw you, Marvin! You suck!   E/N: No notes. He really is the worst. I'm not even going to reveal his last name in case he somehow finds this and attempts to defend himself.  

General Best Practices

  The circumstances of the heist change every time, so there's not a lot of details to give. The only requirement is that you have to physically attend the heist yourself, and the bank you choose has to be a CFG property and have some of Marvin's stuff in it.   But there's a few pointers that I can give.  
  • Have fun with it! This is your initiation. You're already in the group, we want you here, so show us your own personal style.
  • Feel free to ask for advice, assistance, insight into previous heists. We all hate Marvin, and we all want you to succeed.
  • Don't forget to plan for grabbing things other than Marvin's stuff, and try to include research into who to avoid. We all have certain world leaders we just don't want to be mad at us. 
  • We also don't want to pick on one person too badly because that's how you get vigilantes out to smite you for injustice. So just try to make sure you're not stealing from someone who's already been a victim to this custom, other than Marvin.
  • You're not out of the group if your heist fails, but we will make fun of you for a long time after.
  • You can make it as large scale as you want, but the tradition will probably last longer if you keep it at least a little lowkey.
  • Remember that our grudge is against Marvin, not against the bank or the bankers. They're just doing their jobs, mostly.

Previous Heists

  Here's a few examples of some past successes, and a few failures.  
  • Over the course of a day, faked an audit and walked out with four safety deposit boxes
  • Used the plumbing to destroy the bathrooms to get the bank to shut down then stole everything the next day
  • A combination of hallucinogens and holograms that made the bankers think they were in a sci-fi apocalypse and gave free access to the vault since apparently society had shut down
  • Walk through the walls, wait until someone came in, then walked out to theme music
  • Failure: cut a hole in the ceiling and attempted to airlift the vault out in its entirety
  • Attach everything to the ceiling overnight and then infiltrate the repair crew to slowly smuggle items out (record for longest heist since it took multiple tries to locate Marvin's exact deposit)
  • Stage a gala supposedly thrown by the CFG CEO and use the chaos to remove several items (bonus points for Marvin being present during the heist)

Marvin's Stuff

  We also have a short list of things that we've stolen from Marvin. A few identifying markers have been removed so he'll be less likely to figure out who stole from him.    
  • The more expensive half of his coin collection, circa 20xx
  • Two fake Monet paintings
  • His daughter's high school diploma (we don't really care for her either)
  • 50 gold bars
  • A key to an apartment he uses for his mistress(es)
  • Medical reports of an embarrassing nature
  • An antique box
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