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Have you ever wanted a turtle to have extra defense measure? Have you ever wanted to bounce off an animal without hurting the animal? Look no further than the humble tortle.   They're mostly just turtles, just with a few extra glands that cause them to generate a bioelectric repulsor field that protects them and allows me to bounce twenty feet up with one step. They can strengthen this field when stressed, which makes it a very effective defense mechanism.   Have you ever seen a bird dive-bombing a turtle only to ricochet into an umbrella? It's a lot of fun. Highly recommended. Same for alligators attempting to chomp down only for their jaws to bounce off an invisible shield.   Tortles are able to approach each other because the bounce effect is countered by natural chemicals in other tortles, and because they move so slowly. This principle mostly applies to humans as well. Don't startle them, and don't approach them at a run. At least, not unless you want to use the tortle as a springboard.   Tortles do not mind being used as a springboard.   A/n: And yet I still ended up faceplanting against a wall in entirely the wrong direction, and Ramen Noodle bit me later when I tried to feed him.   Tortles mostly do not mind being used as a springboard. It helps to be very friendly to them and approach from a direction where they can see you coming. You can also introduce yourself first. The whole process goes much easier if you're on friendly terms.   Functionally, they look like your normal average box turtle, and most of their biology functions the same. Reproduction, food sources, supposed predators, ability to swim. A few of the smarter ones have shown an ability to harness their field to enable greater hydrodynamics.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

They fit right in with local turtle populations, almost invisible in contrast next to them. Any interbreeding tends to end up with ordinary turtles, with very few half-breed tortles. However, due to their magnetically repellant nature, most tortles tend to breed with other tortles.
Conservation Status
Not going to tell. Best guess as to how many are scattered across the globe. Just try and get rid of them, I dare you.
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Jul 10, 2024 17:04 by Marc Zipper

What a cool idea I love that given the turtles an extra defense and the many ways that rebound will occur. Would also definitely try to springboard with a turtle if they liked me

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