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The Veleen acknowledge that they are incredibly unlucky where most things are concerned. This is one of their core beliefs about their culture, is that their lack of luck is what has contributed to their total inability to be very successful.   Their traditional language has some Latin roots, but it's a very early influence and has since diverged significantly. It's a reasonably simple language to pick up, until you get into the slang, which all centers around the idea that the Veleen believe that they're destined for destitution.   A fair amount of the phrases are based around past historical events that emphasize this idea.   A few examples (translated into English, since the grammar transfers pretty well):  
  • "less of a Samara": based around Samara lagging behind in a race; You're winning this competition by a landslide
  • "first outside of Kuru": a famine decimated the city of Kuru and they were forced to beg for scraps; You're pretty hungry
  • "smiling on the thirteen": a group of revolutionaries who died when the roof collapsed on their first planning meeting; At least I don't have to attend this pointless meeting
  • "next to Kuru's wall": attribution unclear; You're exposing yourself
  • "Queen Narda's sigil": a queen from the medieval era who was accused of witchcraft because of her personal coat of arms; That's a conspiracy theory
  • "Wendell's earhorn": a mostly deaf man who nearly died in a fire; You're missing something crucial
  • "drowned in Tolon Lake": Tolon has not been a lake for millennia but is pretty barren at the moment; Not a smart person
  • "risen to the heights of Oensburg": Oensburg is a town that had problems with an enhanced who manipulated helium; You're in serious trouble
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