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Basic Information


Aquins are a bipedal fish race with two legs and two arms. The skeletal structure of an aquin is thinner than other races and are a slender and sleek race to move briskly through the water. They have a special cartilage like muscle that makes them much more flexible all in all which helps when swimming.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aquins can reproduce sexually though it doesnt provide anything for them- instead their method of reproduction is the same as most fish where they lay eggs then a mate comes and fertilizes them.

Ecology and Habitats

The Aquins Optimal Habitat for them is water and depending on their ethnicity it can change between Hot and Cold or Fresh and Saltwater. With their body structure they can swim easily and quick. Some aquins known as Abyseel even lay in areas with high enough pressure that it can crush a submarine in seconds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aquins are an omnivorous species though most are strictly pescatarians or carnivores. Many freshwater breeds of Aquins have shown a more equal dietary balance.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Aquins have a below average intelligence compared to humans but do not let this fool you. They are not stupid. They, like Centipedes are much more based upon their instinct but that has not stopped the Aquin Empire from making an empire grander then the holy roman empire upon their homeworld.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aquins share many of the same feeling humans do with two exceptions. These exceptions allow the Aquins to breathe both on land and in the water though its easier to breathe in water. Another exception is that some Aquins have exhibited Echo-location that traverse the watery world.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

The Aquins have achieved a tech level of a feudal era with large undersea castles and palaces and swords and armor specially made with materials found strictly upon their planet. Many things we have made here are impossible to make undersea though so they hold feudal tech we could only dream of such as Concentrated Air Ballistas and other bubble based tech.
80 Years
Average Height
4 Feet to 7 Feet


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