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The Camantises are an agile and deadly race of feudal esc people hailing from the world of Camelok. The spines upon their backs and arms can inject a non-lethal numbing toxin for predators that try to kill them.

Basic Information


The Camantis Anatomy is extremely similar to that of a human. A Bipedal race with two arms and opposable thumbs. Though they do have some differences that include skin that easily callouses faster than a human, epidermis located on the joints that is almost as strong and thick as cow leather, and little spines along the spin and down the arms up to the elbow that have a strange toxin on them that make opponents sluggish.

Genetics and Reproduction

Camantis's reproduce sexually between a male and female of their species. They gestate around 10 months inside the womb, 2 months later than a human.

Ecology and Habitats

The Camantis prefer to live in more Temperate climates and are not as adaptable as the human race- struggling to thrive in extreme heat such as deserts as their body overheats faster than humans. Though they are decent at the cold like tundras and such.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Camantis's are strictly herbivorous creatures that spend most of their days farming. The farming is done by the males and the children and in large fields the peasants are bound to.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Camantis have strict, feudal traditions amongst their households believing in a dominant male of the household. They train their sons for war from the moment they become the age of eight to fight in battle. Most of the royal titles are held by the males of their society much like in the household with the king in the top spot. Land is split to important male figures in the community most common the knights. This does not mean females are important to their society as the females are responsible for forging, cooking, and raising their children when the men are off to war.

Average Intelligence

Camantis have an IQ rating of 80-109 which is Below average to Average similar if not slightly less than humans more so the races more focus and aptitude upon tradition and war yet still good enough to reach the space age far before man.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Camantis Race shares many similar traits to humans holding on the major senses of Touch, smell, hear, taste, and sight. Their brains are almost hardwired to have reaction speeds crazily unfamiliar to humans as some Camantis just describe time slowing down to milliseconds for them. The rest of their senses are normal to that of a human except for touch which seems to be duller.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Camantis naming traditions are very Victorian or Renaissance style naming. After being stranded on earth have taken a liking to these human names sharing the names of ancient human warriors and ancient camantis warriors.

Beauty Ideals

The Beauty Ideals of the Camantis is based off the brighter the skin hue and not as to yellow compared to black but the shades of it after all a brighter shade of its color is a Camantis that is healthy and able while darker shades are sickly or weak. The layers of callouses on a Camantis's skin is also found extremally attractive to find in a male whereas the opposite for a female.

Average Technological Level

The Camantis upon their homeworld have reached a level of technology equivalent to late space age while keeping a feudalistic caste system as government. Most of their technological growth has been based off their fantasy and war with other feudalistic nations.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

One of the largest parts of their culture is war. The Camantis despite once being the prey have become the dominant predator upon their planet. They have done this by fighting others be it for more land, resources, or just to prove they can. It is common tradition for when War is called for all the males to be gathered and serve no matter what class.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

  • The nobility of the culture, though herbivores, will still hunt down prey and predators to kill for sport. They are known to make clothes or decorations with their bones, flesh, hide, as well as hanging their heads on the walls of a trophy room.
  • When two camantis's get married the husband must bring back the hide of an animal while the female forges them a blade for use.

Common Taboos

All males much come to serve when called. It is the duty of their people to fight for their higher ups even if they dont inherently agree with them. The only males not fit for fighting are children and the elderly who are meant to pass on their duties and teach kids. The men who do not fight when called are deemed "Korw" otherwise a much much harsher word for coward.


Camantis's were born as one of the many prey upon their world. They were quick and agile, swinging in the trees to collect fruits and other plants. The spines upon their arms and back were developed so when bit in their joints it would inject their predators with a non lethal stunning venom. After many years the camantis would use their intellect to produce tools and create fire all while learning that they could farm the trees that they collect fruit from.
Scientific Name
Roymantis Arthurian
80 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
110-120 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Camantis's have a slightly more yellowish or brighter tint. The brighter skinned Camantis almost have a yellow hue to them while the darker skinned Camantis have a greyish hue to their skin and almost everything between those scales.
Geographic Distribution


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