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Cognarian (Cog-nahr-e-an)


Basic Information


Cognarians are a Arthropod race with possible insectoid combos having chitin very similar to beetles adorning their face, neck, and chest. They are only dual limbed and two legs. The Chitin is almost adorned like renaissance armor. They have mandibles hidden beneath the mask.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cognarians generally lay eggs annually and have 2-3 cognarians. Once released Male cognarians will fertilize the eggs and after several months, almost about 9, the eggs will hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Cognarians begin their life as a small child sized beetle with almost leather like shells that grow softer allowing them to grow taller and taller and learn to walk until they are growing like how most humans do.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cognarians are omnivorous and seem to actually love salads and enjoy small prey such as rats as snacks.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cognarians are an extremally religious insect/reptile like race who hold prophets to high reverance. Faith is extremly important to the Cognarian race they have burnt and hung heretics to Cognar. Their entire species name is off of their god as they seem themselves as images of him.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Cognarians have many of the same sensory abilities as humans + the ability of chemical secretions that alert different.
Scientific Name
Chlamydos Cogna
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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