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The Eyrean Race is an amorphous, grey tinted race of aliens from a far off world known as Protista. They dot all over the landscape of the planet stretched out hunting for food sharing many biological traits with real world slime molds. Most Eyreans come from one queen- dripping off of her like a ball of slime and beginning their life. Despite their independence, since each Eyrean is a piece of one whole they will always share a bond with their other pieces. No matter how different they are mentally they will always know when another piece is near.   This bond allows eryeans to see what others see when connected and even share feelings and thoughts though limited by their intelligence compared to humans. Some Eryeans can even give up their mass to fuse with others much like transferring blood to other humans but with none of the risks. Eryeans have been known to make "Clusters" which is a group of eryeans that fuse with each other for survival benefits thought these arent usually seen within the cities and more of in the wild where some disappeared off to before being stranded on Elil in 2020.

Basic Information


Eyrean biology is one of the more unique ones in the superzzz universe having no limbs on standard and no muscles. Instead it is an amorphous amoeba implying it is single celled with many different nuclei. The only structure giving it shape is a thick cytoskeleton which keeps the cells in shape and not spill out while remaining extremely flexible and allowing all different shapes and forms. They are also extremely acidic being on a scale similar to battery acid.

Biological Traits

Eryeans due to their nature do not suffer the faults of age. They can continue living indefinitely in this state. Including a lack of age they also lack genders or any form of sexual or asexual reproductions but they share a powerful kinship with other Eryean creatures.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Eryeans cannot reproduce and instead were dropped off from their mother slime back upon their homeworld. It is the only way to create more Eryeans. Sadly though it was not brought to earth with them so they are a slowly declining breed. When they are dropped from the cluster of organisms their nuclei combine to form a new cell which drops off from the mother and splats upon the ground having no purpose but to live.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Eyrean Race when it begins growing hungry or needing energy the mold will spread out with long tubes that will begins sensing mechanical signals from the enviroment. When it locates what its looking for it will all collect there and begin breaking down the materials, absorbing the nutrients, and transferring it back into the eryean where it will continue moving along

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Despite the fact that they dont have a brain or any form of nervous system the Eryeans are on a level of intelligence surprising to many. Not only have they managed to solve complex mazes but they can find quick routes to food and even choose and select healthy diets. Not only that but it can even register and engage with others of its kind through some form of dance or exchanging of biological matter
Due to experiments done to them by Zagara they have even developed methods of vocal speech even though it would seem biologically impossible. How they have achieved this is only know to those that ran the experiments deep within space.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eyreans share no methods of senses with humans except for touch but it operates much differently. Instead they rely on different parts of their body to loosen or tighten sending signals to communicate. Their body sends hundreds of tubes outwards stretching on the ground like an intricate mosiac where they feel around doing the aforementioned process to discover things like food sources, other living creatures, safe zones, and dangerous spots.

Civilization and Culture


Hundreds of years ago from the current date of the Superzzz Universe the World of Protista would befall a horrific tragedy. A nuclear war erupted amongst the citizens of the once lively planet. The world was in its Atomic age and soon the fiery explosions of the nuclear missile would consume its world in fire. Decades after the world died a strange slime like creature that was native to the planet would survive becoming a large single celled mass known as the Mother Mold. The creature operated much like a slime mold inching around the ruins of the world and finding any consumable mass. Eventually though a tall building rich in new plant life was located and this is where the mother would find their home. It would produce new globs that would drop from its body forming into new Eyrean like children that would move across the land of protista becoming one of its dominant lifeforms before long ingraining with the surviving flora and fauna. Some Eyreans remained amorphous and others took the shapes of the fauna.   Before Long Ships would darken the skies of Protista. The vessels of Zagara. Before long the preliminary invasion would begin as hive minded aliens and horrific biological horrors would onset the world. Luckily for the Eyreans they were nearly one of their own- Some collected into combat masses, others retreated below ground, but the tech difference between the races was vast and many Eyreans would be captured interesting Zagara. Their nature would make them an excellent race to add to their fold but their lack of a mind would make it harder to enslave them. The month above the world Zagara would run experiments while commanding her forces on the ground. Eventually the creatures grew more persistent and annoying. Their race's "Clumps" fending off beasts and with the world so minimal of functional biomass eventually Zagara would retreat capturing a good half of the mold mothers brood and successfully integrating them as soldiers of her hive mind.   The Eryeans survived and the Mold Mother would continue making more Eyreans as the world would slowly rebuild. Many of the flora being part of the Eryean race such as its Tsuks or its Agoral Trees. Each not only having a symbiotic bond but a familial/Biological bond as well.
Scientific Name
Physargus Eyreanian
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
3 Feet


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